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Joshua's pov



🦖: "You with who?" 

🍕lover: "I'm not involved and I am not by any chance revealing anything unless they say it though:)"

🐯: "I'm curious now"

Seungkwan🍊: "Hope they won't steal Vernon and I the spotlight..."

🍚Woozi: "Uhm Seungkwan can you not?"

Angel1004👼: "Anyways we're coming in 15 minutes everyone. Cheol and I are driving"

Josh🦌: "Alright"

A week has passed since I met those boys and we were all enjoying each other's company, especially at lunch breaks.
During this week I had the amazing opportunity to really get to know them, we got closer I can definitely say that. Hoshi and I truly feel like part of their huge group of friends, who we now might even call best friends.

The bus today was running a bit late since the traffic jam was packed because of the rain, this way slowing down everyone's vehicle speed.
As I rested my body on the bus seat I looked out to see the rain drops slowly going down the outer glass.

"Who do you think they are?" I look at Hoshi, "I mean the couple or couples" I add.

"Uhm I don't know them enough to suggest anyone, but my bet is on Jun and Minghao or Jeonghan and Seuncheol" He responds, pretty confident about what he just said.

"I see" i reply and a brief moment of silence follows.

"Based on what evidence though? They might be dating someone outside the group. Plus they all seemed good friends to me, nothing more" I try to counter attack his comment since it made me feel somewhat uneasy now.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol?

"They seem to have chemistry and show a special bond at lunch breaks." Hoshi responded.

"I see. well I hope whoever the couples are that they're happy at least".
With my last remark I try to not think much about it since we're still completely clueless about it.

Once the bus arrived, I opened the umbrella under the still pouring sky and we fast walked towards the main entrance, noticing the others standing there.

I noticed Jeonghan wasn't there though. When I arrived they all smiled and greeted us, asked us if everything was alright with the bus. We assured them everything was fine.

"Uhm isn't Jeonghan here with you all?" I asked looking at them as I was wondering where that math genius was.

"Oh he's coming, he just went to park the car since it wasn't in a strategic place for later" Seungcheol clarified.

"I see".

After a while Jeonghan finally came and smiled at us with a small nod, greeting us and stopping his gaze at me. I smiled back at him.

"Hi Jeonghan" Joshua spoke

"Hi Joshua. nice to see you again."

The first lecture passed by so fast and as the second one came I was already exhausted. I could hardly keep my attention at the professor and at one point I just let my intrusive thoughts win.

Nameless - [jihan]Where stories live. Discover now