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Joshua's pov

"Jeonghanaaa wake up"

I barged into our room as Jeonghan was still sleeping like a baby.
It was 11 am and he wasn't moving, still fast asleep on our bed.

"Hmm" he hummed as he slowly turned around towards me, who was standing right by the bed.

"Finally! You're awake!" he smiled in response to my words and followed to yawn still sleepy as he seemed.
His morning stretch was all that it took for him to eventually stand up.

"Remember we have an appointment scheduled with the psychologist", I reminded him steadily since he didn't seem to remember.

"Of course I remember" A proud smile formed on his face as he recalled what this was all for.

Two years had passed since we got married and now we had finally made our mind about adopting a child at the adoption center. The psychological evaluation was the reason we were seeing that professional in order for us to be considered perfectly sane and stable to adopt, thus take care and raise a healthy and happy child.

"So all things considered, do the both of you feel able to raise a child on your own?" The lady asked as she looked at both of us, handling the papers she previously noted on as our appointment was soon to be over.

"If there's one thing I want the most in the world right now, that's to have a child" Jeonghan replied, "Not for me, but for them, for my husband and for the family we want to build together" he paused once again, "So yes doctor, I feel like we can both be deemed fit to have a child" He added with a bright smile on his face as he glanced at both the doctor and me.

The doctor seemed to inspect every tiny detail on Jeonghan face as if trying to find something out of it. It appeared strange to me but I ignored it nevertheless.

"I agree with what he's said... I hope your evaluation will turn out to be on our favor because we're all on the same page after all" I replied to what Jeonghan had previously stated.

There was just one detail we both had to consider in all this. The fact my parents used to abuse me, they were both alcoholic therefore to the doctor's eyes I might've been perceived as incompetent to raise a child.

I gulped at the thought of being unable to have such opportunity. Taking this into consideration opened a new view to the both of us as we were unsure about her decision in all this, which seemed logical to us she would take a proper amount of time to make.

"I perfectly understand your need to adopt and raise a child, there's nothing I could even say against your will... I know you both would make amazing dads with no doubt, but..." The doctor paused in between, "You already know the decision is gonna take some time. Given the proper attention to all the files and what you've said I genuinely hope this will turn out in favor of the two of you." She added with a bright and reassuring smile on her face. She looked straight at Jeonghan's gaze, which remained unfazed.

Jeonghan nodded and slightly smiled.

"There's just one thing..." She stopped for a second, looking particularly at Jeonghan.

"Yeah?" We both asked in unison.

"Don't you recognize me?" Her bright smile turned into a distant and almost cold look.

"As the assigned psychologist, yes" Jeonghan calmly replied.

"Oh come on!" She spoke frustrated at the fact Jeonghan didn't seem to remember...

"We went to the same elementary school" she paused and stood up, "how can you not remember our kiss... my FIRST kiss... this can't be real oh my God" she suddenly started walking left and right behind her desk, in front of which both Jeonghan and I were still seated at.

Jeonghan suddenly widened his eyes. He seemed to recall the historical event now.

"HOLY MOLY YOU'RE SIYEON" Jeonghan quickly stood up and looked at her. "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, it's been so long", he seemed a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, I go by Monica Lee now so I understand" She softly grinned, "plus I see you've been busy, it's reasonable" she chuckled and side eyed me. It was hard to determine wether she was sarcastic or happy for us.

This whole situation was making me feel a little uneasy so I adjusted my seating position and softly coughed, hoping Jeonghan would notice.

The latter quickly turned to me and discerned it was time to leave.

"Uhm... I assume you'll let us know as soon as you make your decision... thank you for your time, uhm... Monica" Jeonghan stood up and followed to slightly bow to the doctor.

She nodded in agreement with a soft smile.

I bowed and we both left right after.

As we headed outside the center, Jeonghan and I agreed to stop and have lunch in a pretty popular diner.

The warm breeze outside reminded us spring had finally come and the light sun rays that caressed our skin comforted us even more as we made our way into the spacious and cozy restaurant.

As we sat down and ordered our food we both started talking casually.

"Uhm so... I was wondering something actually" I suddenly spoke to Jeonghan as I couldn't hold my curiosity back anymore, "th-the doctor, I mean Monica..." I looked up at him in nervousness, "you two used to date?" I added.


Jeonghan suddenly burst into a loud laughter. Everyone turned around and stared at us. As I tried exchanging eye contact with everyone and apologize in a lowkey manner, Jeonghan was still widely smiling.

"Joshuji I'm sorry for laughing this hard" a light chuckle escaped his mouth once again. He quickly gained his seriousness and recomposed himself.

"First and foremost, why would two ten year olds date?" He asked staring into my eyes, "Secondly, I think I already told you... I've dated only you" Jeonghan paused.

"That woman... I mean Monica, she used to have a crush on me and we kissed almost as a joke actually" He added.

"Almost..? What do you mean?" I wondered, inspecting Jeonghan's gaze at me as I attempted to find the answer I wanted to know.

"Yeah I wanted to see if I liked her too. She sort of convinced me I could never be into boys and boys only... and I agreed" He looked up at me with a neutral face as he spoke.

"The thing is... I was a curious kid, I wanted to play and have fun in an innocent manner. It was never that serious at the time..." Jeonghan added, bringing his hand closer to mine and gently caressing it.

"I understand" I replied, "But uhm, do you think she still has a crush on you?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"No, Joshuji stop overthinking all of this, it's okay really... I chose you and no matter what other people feel, think or do they could never bring us apart," Jeonghan responded, "It's been more than a decade since all of that happened, I genuinely believe she doesn't have feelings for me anymore, so don't worry please... it's not good for you babe" he kept on caressing my hand.

After the food arrived and we joyously ate, we calmly headed back home. All my unwanted thoughts had now made their way out of my restless mind.

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