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Jeonghan's pov

It was a peaceful day home, Joshua had just got back from work and now it was time to have dinner. I cooked some kimchi stew and rice.

Lately his office work had made him stressed given the amount of sleep he had lost and the fact he could barely have his meals on time. Today was different.
It was his last day of work before taking a month off.

We both agreed upon taking some rest considered the upcoming new family member. Our future daughter, Hana, would be given to us in adoption in two days.

A month had passed since miss Lee, I mean Monica, gave us the news we anxiously awaited and now it was finally happening. We were finally having our own daughter.

"This kimchi stew is heavenly omg" Joshua abruptly spoke as we had dinner.

"Hanni you there?" He added after a while, waving in front of me as I stared poker faced into the white wall and thought about all sorts of things.

"I'm here yeah sorry" I softly smiled at him, "I still can't believe we're gonna be parents Joshuji".

"Honestly, me neither but I can't wait... we're gonna do great, that's for sure" He looked up from the plate and smiled back at me, sending a shiver down my spine as I felt the same old butterflies in my stomach. We were still in love as we used to.

"Joshuji" I spoke after a few moments.

"Hm?" He hummed with mouth full of food.

"Remember when we first met?"

"Of course I do" he grinned looking at the rice bowl in front of him, "Mr Yoon" he chuckled and jokingly winked at me referring to the AirDrop name I used at that time.

"Remember how you didn't wanna meet up?" Joshua side eyed me, disappointed at how I was a bit hesitant about getting to know him in real life.

I chuckled.

"Thank God fate still made us cross paths that day" I replied and a brief moment of silence followed as we both took another bite.

"You know" I continued, "I noticed you even before we actually started texting on airdrop..." I added.

"I sort of already had a crush on you and luckily, you were the guy I was anonymously texting ...woah" I sighed considering all the luck I could've had at the time.

"Really?" He asked

"I mean you caught my eye with your smile, your fluffy hair, glittery and radiant eyes, your fashion style, your looks... pretty much everything" I giggled, getting embarrassed at such revelation.

"I guess it was destiny then" Joshua added to my remark, "Would you have made the first move if it was someone else you met on airdrop?" He continued in deep curiosity as we chatted lively during lunch.

"Hmm" I briefly paused, "If it was someone else meeting up with me that day, I would've kindly rejected them, and pursued you nonetheless" I smiled reminiscing the old days.

He smirked at my response, devouring the last bite of rice.

"Well" Joshua suddenly spoke, "You caught my eye too" He looked up, "your charm and spontaneity, your attitude towards helping people... yeah that's what got me intrigued initially" He finally added. "I would've never imagined it was you, the one I would be with for the rest of my life. I'm forever grateful to meeting you" he softly spoke, as his eyes had become slightly glossy staring into mine.

I caressed his delicate hands, remembering the first time I held them. The first time I felt Joshua's warmth and embracing comfort.

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