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<<<LUNCH TIME, 12:40PM>>>

Jeonghan's pov

Yup you heard it right. The guy I was lowkey staring at during class today. And there was another boy with him.

"It's alright don't worry you two can sit with us!" Woozi said with comforting tone, so they both relaxed now, "I know one of them, his name is Hoshi" Woozi added looking at us.

"I'm Jeonghan! Nice to meet you!" Oh frick why did I sound too excited.

The fashionable guy smiled. hah he's cute.

"I'm Hoshi and this is Joshua, nice to meet you all" He smiled looking at each of us.

"We're sorry to intrude here, we can actually leave if you want" The fashionable guy, aka Joshua, said. "Yeah we don't want to bother you guys at all." Hoshi added.

"You can really stay, don't worry. We'd be happy to share this table with you. I'm Seungcheol by the way pleasure to meet you." Cheol being as nice as always.

"You're no bother at all, I'm Dokyeom!" Dokyeom smiled.

"Please sit now everyone" Wonwoo and Mingyu gestured everyone to do so since they got all up when everyone followed to introduce themselves right after I did.

And now we were all sitting there.

I gotta admit that Joshua looks prettier from closer. His eyes sparkle and his smile is so bright it could blind anyone. I try to avoid his gaze not to appear weird or something since I'm a bit tense right now.

We all proceeded to eat right after we sat and talked about the day at school.

"Uhm Jeonghan?" Dokyeom called me.

"Yes Kyeom?"

"Have you finished your lectures for today?" Dokyeom inquired.

"No I have two classes left, why?" I asked while grabbing another bite of my toast

"Well I was planning on reuniting this new super duper fantastic group again later."

As Dokyeom said that I noticed Vernon cringed so bad while looking at Seungkwan who just smiled at him and rested his head on the younger's shoulder.

"Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Jun and I can't join though. If you all want we can do something next weekend" Cheol suggested.

"Yeah we have plenty of assignments to complete for the next week" Wonwoo added.

"What about the others, can you guys meet up later?" Dokyeom asked looking at the others with an excited expression.

"Hoshi and I have two other classes today as well, so we can't" He looked genuinely sad about it, "Don't we all attend the same university course anyway?" Hoshi continued looking at me while decidedly chewing his gimbap.

Wonwoo and Jun looked up, blanking at the question and probably trying to remember if they've ever seen either Hoshi or Joshua.
"I've noticed you two yes! Uhm second floor, classroom number 2A right?
"yupp, I think i noticed you too" Hoshi smiled. He was devouring the gimbap, tha guy was such a joy to have around not gonna lie.

"So?" Dokyeom was still wondering about the later afternoon plans.
"I think it's best to meet up outside of school on another day" Seungkwan said. "Yeah I feel like next Friday would be ideal" Minghao remarked "for us it wouldn't be a bother since we aren't having many assignments lately right?" He continued and glanced at Mingyu who just nodded, confirming what he just said. Wonwoo looked at him waiting for him to say something but he stayed silent. "So next Friday you say?" Wonwoo finally spoke breaking the silence and earning a look from Mingyu, the two glanced at each other and Jun finally spoke "yea we'll be free next Friday, right guys?" He looked at me and the others. I nodded in agreement, hoping Joshua and Hoshi would be able to join too.
"Sure! We would be glad to join in, Joshua?" "Of course it would be my pleasure too!" Joshua finally exclaimed looking right at me. I avoided his gaze in fear I might get nervous.
"I'm gonna add you too to our official groupchat then, so we can all exchange contacts and hear from each other there!" Dokyeom now ecstatic said.
Hoshi teeth smiled "yup! Here's my contact" he showed Dokyeom his number and Joshua followed right after.

🍕lover added "Josh🦌" and "🐯" to the groupchat


"Crap y'all it's late" Woozi suddenly got up after looking at his watch.
Dokyeom, Mingyu and Minghao followed to stand up and hurriedly grabbed their backpacks while still drinking their Cokes. "Sorry everyone we gotta leave in such a hurried way" Mingyu apologized. "Byeee" they all exclaimed in unison and quickly ran heading to the highschool structure. Jun and Wonwoo followed them with their eyes, they seem so enchanted just by looking at a group of people leaving? As they zoned out, Jun most probably fell asleep, I actually couldn't figure out wether he was just staring or asleep.
After a few seconds we all got up.
"I think it's time for us to head back to our lectures now" Cheol suggested, "Yeah we're going home now, high school's classes are over today" Vernon said "I guess we're gonna catch up again" he continued looking at both Hoshi and Joshua, "as you all know fridays are packed with classes so tomorrow we won't be able to come here" Seungkwan added to what was Vernon saying. "Sure, see ya on some other day then!" Hoshi responded, and everyone followed to greet them as they left.

The rest of us headed back to the structure and parted ways as Woozi left for the data analytics class, I think that's what I heard at least, while Wonwoo, Seungcheol, Jun, Joshua, Hoshi and I headed to sit back in class, the latter two were still seated two rows in front of us since these couldn't be changed during the day.
As I got ready for Math class, I took out my exercise notebook and pen, and then I checked my phone.
No Airdrop message. It was such a dumb move writing that one message to "JH"?, now he's ignoring me and God knows what he thinks about that silly gesture.

Once the professor entered they opened the online presentation with already solved math problems, I take out my phone to open it in there as well, to make it easier to follow, I inspect it baffled.
I try solving the problems before the professor does in order to know how much I've understood so far. I can say I'm partially there.
As I was struggling to comprehend a single word written in a more complex exercise I glanced at my phone and I opened my eyes out once I saw a notification appearing.

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