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Joshua's pov

After seeing Jeonghan i came home and quickly threw myself in the living room sofa.
As I was laying on the sofa chilling and eating an apple a notification popped on my phone.

It was Jeonghan?

<3 Mr Yoon

"So what about tomorrow Joshuji?
Lunch or dinner?"

"I feel like dinner
is more romantic lol"

"Is that what you're looking
forward to huh😏"

"What's with the emoji
Jeonghan HAHAHA"

So dinner it is then."

"Cool, I'll get ready by 8PM"

"I'll come pick you up at
that time so be ready.
I'm driving:)"

"So no drinking for you hahah"

"Who said I wanted to?
Better being sober"

"hahaha alright.
I'm off to bed now, I'm sleepy"

"Night night Joshuji hope
you dream of me"

"Will make sure of that😌.
Hahah just kidding. Good night💛"

I turned off my phone and followed to go brush my teeth and wash my face.

I laid down on my bed and after a while I drifted off peacefully.


<<<SUNDAY, 6:50PM>>>

I applied a few sprays of my favorite but occasional cologne, Hoping he would notice that.

Nah what am I thinking... doing stuff just for him. How ironic I was doing exactly that.

I smiled at myself as I was checking myself up on the mirror.

"Hey has Jeonghan come here yet?" I yelled to Hoshi who didn't respond.

I quickly headed to the living room. And Hoshi was there talking to someone.

It was Jeonghan.

He didn't seem the type to come early but alright.

"Oh hi Joshuji" he stood up and came to hug me.
Hoshi seemed to feel a little awkward but shrugged it off with a bright smile on his face.

He quickly excused himself to go to the toilet.

"Guess I'll see you later Josh. You guys take care and drive safely" he left the living room.

"Shall we?" Jeonghan then spoke.

"Yeah let's go"

He took my black coat from the sofa and opened it up for me.

He's acting like a gentleman now?
No wonder I actually like him. "thank you" I gently smiled at the gesture.

"Anytime" he smiled back.

Nameless - [jihan]Where stories live. Discover now