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<<<Afternoon, 2:20PM>>>

Joshua's pov

After waving the younger ones goodbye and later taking my seat in class I started to think about the amazing people we met earlier. They were so polite, lovely and overall nice, reminded me of how Taemin behaves with me, supporting me no matter what.

Taemin and I have a strong brother bond, I can certainly admit we are just like best friends.

Those boys were strangely close and seemed to share everything, something I look forward to do as well. With them I felt at peace, I noticed Hoshi was feeling overjoyed as well, never seen him like that since I met him this year.
That Jeonghan guy caught my eye, he seemed so spontaneous around everybody there and his charm was something that I remember neatly.

I opened my notebook and saw the teacher entering with such a professional attitude, they smiled at the whole group of people in front of them greeting us and they followed by starting the lecture.

There was just one thing now... I was burning with curiosity thinking about what happened this morning. Gotta say it was such an unexpected occurrence. I mean getting such a request without actually meeting was strange.

"Hi wanna be moots?" Who writes like this these days? I caught myself faintly smirking at the thought.

Why was "Mr Yoon" or whatever so secretive?

He seemed nice and welcoming, so why would he keep his identity hidden from me? I mean he did say he wanted to be mutuals, maybe friends with me?
As I was eager to know I opened the notes app on my phone and typed something.

"Are you still alive??"
I press send. I look around to see if anyone was suspicious but I really couldn't figure it out since the place was enormous and I could hardly see the professor.

Oh shit wait. A reply.

"Of course, why?"

"I mean you didn't want to reveal me your name..." I typed

"So you got mad and ignored me?" Me Yoon replied.

"You're right. I shouldn't have done that and that was rude. Come on don't be mad🤍🤍"
Gotta add the hearts to sound more friendly otherwise that guy would ghost his identity forever.

"Lmao not the hearts💀
What are you, a kid? Hahah"

ME? A kid?

I smiled as I read that and apparently Hoshi noticed and turned to me with a weirded out expression.

"Shua you good?"

"Yeah hahah don't worry" I responded, his face was still kinda perplexed as he turned around to keep listening to the lecture.

"I'm sorry what about the hearts?"

"Uhm usually people don't just add hearts to a message lmao" He texted

"But why? I'm not 'people' duh. But yeah I won't do it from now on then!" I press send

"Heyyy I was just kidding:) send them as much as you want:)))"

"Alright sir💖💛💗💗❤️💜💗💚💖💗" I sound so corny.

Nameless - [jihan]Where stories live. Discover now