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Reader pov

I nervously continued scribbling on the paper as I heard the young male place himself next to me.
"Hey uhm, does miss Wong always look so mean? " he whispered trying to form a conversation.
I just nodded my head, not knowing how to talk to him.
"Your drawing looks really pretty!han jisung. " he said with a smile offering me his hand

"y/n... Say, have we met before?" I finally turned my face towards him gently shaking his hand.
For quick 5 seconds he just stared at me obviously trying to remember my face.
"Aaaah! You're the cute girl who I bumped into yesterday! It's so nice seeing you again! " he said with a bright smile plastered on his face.
*did he just call me cute?! And good Lord his smile is so gorgeous aaaa*
The lesson went by pretty fast as we got to know each other more. Things like where we live or what our favorite ice cream is.
"Ah! Before I forget. Would you like to have lunch with me today? It's pretty hard to find somewhere to sit when you're new... " he looked at me with his adorable puppy eyes scratching his neck.
'Of course! My best friend ditched me today anyways! " I answer smiling at him.
The lunch was the most fun part of school as always.
"Oh gosh... My sister packed me oranges. I hate oranges!" Jisung whined.
"Y/nnnnnnnn" he asked pulling long the end of my name.
"You're lucky I love oranges! Cmon let's trade" I state grabbing his lunch box, receiving a big grin from the boys face.

Time skip: after school

As I was walking out of the big school building together with jisung, I kept searching for Sungea.
"Gosh where is this girl" I mumbled to myself
"Hm? Who? Oh you mean your best friend? "
He questioned, chewing on his hoodie string.
"Oh, yeah she promised we'd walk back home together... " I said still looking for her.
Not long after I felt a small tap on my shoulder
"Sorry I'm late. I kinda spilled my tea on the classroom floor and had to stay longer to clean everything up. " sungea excused while trying to catch her breath.
"Oh? Who you with? You got a boyfriend? " she teased me, pulling softly on my shirt.
"Of course. That's jisung. He just joined this school for an exchange year. He's not really good with english tho" I answered her jokingly annoyed.
"Aaah jisung huh" she smiled greeting the boy.
"I must say, he's really good looking. If you don't get him now, I might steal him away from you~"
"Sung-ahhhh I only met him today stop it" I stated clearly embarrassed.
Jisung just chuckled and started walking home with us.
As we arrived infront of my house and jisung was about to leave I spoke up
"Why don't you come in and have a movie night with us? You're basically our bestie now" he seemed somewhat taken back by that question but quickly agreed.
As we all got inside and sungea made herself comfortable on my couch I got out some bowls, chips and popcorn.
"Need any help? " I heard jisung ask getting up from the kitchen chair.
"Oh uh if it won't be too much trouble, could you prepare some drinks? We have the glasses over there behind the cups and in the fridge is coke, apple juice and water" I said turning on the microwave to heat up the popcorn in it.
He just nodded and did as he was told.
"Guys hurry up please I'm getting bored waiting for your slow asses" we heard from the living room.
"If you're bothered come help. " I yelled back.
" so what film are we watching? "
"I couldn't find anything interesting so let's play some games"
"let's play wee dance! " I jumped up from the couch.
The whole evening we spent playing different games till all of us fell exhausted on to the couch
"God how can any human being have so fast reflexes! Obviously I lost" jisung pouted while holding his forehead.
"Not my fault I'm a national super player" sungea exclaimed proudly.
"I don't really care let's just get to bed"
I said getting up slowly. "Oh also, let's skip school tomorrow. I have something planned~"
"Okay so, sungea and I will sleep in my room and you will sleep in the guest room. Yk for privacy." I said pointing to the guest room.
"Sounds like a plan" he answered walking off with two blankets and a pillow.
Arrived in my room sungea and I plopped onto the bed, then turning to face each other.
"So, tell me. From a scale from 1-10. How obvious do you want to make it that you have feelings for sungie" she grinned at me
"What? Was I that obvious? " I hid my face in my pillow
"Yep pretty much" she laughed "so I suppose, hes the angel you were talking about that day? "
"Mhm I didn't think I would ever see him again especially not as my classmate! "
"Sounds like fate to me " she said turning towards the ceiling.
"But you're right, he does look like one! I've never seen someone that handsome"
She said chuckling between her words.
I lightly hit her with the pillow
"Let's just go sleep please"
"Aight! Nighty princess"
"Night sung"

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