
637 15 4

Reader pov.

We stood in the cold for about 10 minutes before a travel bus reached our waiting spot, already filled with quite a few people.
As we sat down, me next to jisung and sungea a seat in front of us we could feel the warmth of the bus heater slowly unfreezing every single one of our frozen nerves. With our small tinted red noses and cheeks we began to get comfortable as the bus started driving.
" how long are we gonna drive? " he asked me, reaching out for his tea bottle inside of his bag.
" probably around 1 and a half hours" I said counting the time with my fingers.
We both put in our headphones and decided to use the time to relax a little.
That 'relaxing' may have done it's job a little too well cause soon enough I found my eyes having a hard job to stay open as I watched the many trees, houses and streetlights pass by me. Not long after my first yawn I felt something heavy on my shoulder.
There he layed, peacefully resting on my shoulder while in his own thoughts. I looked at him and couldn't help but smile.
His fluffy cheeks making him pout his lips a little as he slowly and synchronized breathed in and out. Not long after that my head was on his drifting off into the back of my head as well.


Arrived at the amusement park, I woke up by two hands slightly shaking me.
"Hey you two wake up! Where here" sungea said in a now annoyed tone.
"Huh what? Where"
"God just wake up jisung" she flicked his forehead which instantly woke him up.
Infront of the park was a big crowd lining up to buy tickets and we were already able to smell the sweet cotton candy and hear the rollercoasters dropping of their highest points. The noise was mixed with screams, laugher, many voices talking and children crying.
In normal situations I wouldn't be able to stand this even 5 minutes, but here it was easy for me to ignore all the unwanted sounds.
After we've paid for the tickets and got inside, we instantly were shocked by its beauty. The scenery made out the perfect division for the countless attractions, filled with many small stands selling food and other delicacies. It also was decorated beautifully with gorgeous plants and flowers, art on a few buildings and red streetlights.
"What should we try first" jisung said excited.
" I wanna ride this, and this one, oh and we have to try this one" I pointed to a few rollercoasters, water slides and carousels on the mini map which got handed to me while the ticket purchase.
We rode two rollercoasters, a water slide and went into a scary house, before it was finally the turn for the black-shamkuun.
Basically a rollercoaster in complete darkness.
"Yeaaaa, no guys I'll pass out on this one. I have achluophobia so unless you want to carry me to the ambulance by the end of this ride, I'll just go get a snack and wait here for y'all" sungea said already backing off a meter. I just nodded at her and pulled jisung with me to it.
"I'm looking forward to see you pissing yourself" he said teasingly, while tightening his safety belt.
Little did he know that he ended being the one scared as heck as I hear him yell-praying for his life as he basically ripped my arm of, clinging onto it.
When we got out I looked at him, him still being shocked with a complete mess in his hair.
"Wow now that was unexpected from you mister han" I laughed at him.
"Yah! Shut up before I'll make ya! " he stormed off in embarrassment.
I sat down next to sungea stealing maybe a few too much of her fries.
"Yah! Buy your own fries if you're so hungry"
She held her box filled with now only a few fries left far away form my reach, glaring at me.
"Aight sorry, sorry. " I laughed.
Not long after, jisung joined us with a coke and three crepes.
"It's so beautiful everywhere. You feel like you're in a fairy tale. " he said, leaning back on his chair.
The rest of the day went by in a flash.
I really enjoyed being with these two. They're really great people, unlike some people of our school...
We went back to the bus exhausted and got seated the same we did on our first ride.
This time, jisung didn't hesitate to lean on to my shoulder and quickly fell asleep.
*lazy ass*
I listened to my playlist for about half an hour. I felt his steady breathing, his breath almost as hot as a fresh brewed cup of tea. His small movements to re-get comfortable in his spot. He layed there so calmly. Compared to his normal personality, he looked like a complete stranger.
Before I knew it, I too let my eyelids close and my head fall onto his.

God I'm really bad at writing activities like these cause all you do is walk around and ride attractions ٩(꒦ິȏ꒦ິ)۶
I promise I'll get more interesting

Only you || 𝙷𝚊𝚗 𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ༄Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon