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Reader pov.


I woke up, surprisingly not annoyed at all.
The sun shone slightly, perfectly mixing the temperatures to my liking.
The smell of my fresh made bed flying round in my room making everything seem more of peace. Yawning, I went down stairs to eat some cereal before school.
"Black Friday at Walmart? Holy chicken I gotta go there! " I yelled at my phone, reading the pop up notification on my phone.
I finished my food and got dressed in a oversized pant, a white blouse and a white slighty-oversized black t-shirt.
When I left my apartment, I felt the cold breeze brush by me, making my hair a little messy.
Arrived at school I was greeted by my two friends. Jisung being wrapped in a big scarf.
On our way to the first period, english, we parted ways with sungea and tried to be as quick as possible to not be late.
The whole lesson all we did was laughing, talking and annoying the teacher until we eventually cut the line.
We were drawing little stick man's on her oh so precious dictator cards.
"That's it. Both of you stay after school and do the work you weren't able to do here. "
*damn she really thought she did smth there lol* he whispered to me as we left the classroom snickering.
The day went by in a heartbeat and soon detention was on.
We sat down in the classroom and waited for the teacher to arrive. "For the facts the sun is shining, it's pretty damn cold in here"
I groaned.
Not long after the teacher arrived and handed us our exercises and then just left.
"Has this woman ever heard of duty of supervision? " I asked following her with my eyes.
"She probably just doesn't give a shit" he shrugged.
40 minutes passed.
"Aight I'm done with my exercises since 19 minutes. Where is this woman? "
Jisung got up to go check out where she headed.
"Imagine she left us here" I said grabbing some snacks from the snack shelf before I heard a loud rattling on the doorknob.
"Uhm- y/n we got locked in here" "What?! "
I ran towards him banging on the door.
"I guess she thought wed left on our own and let the cleaning staff lock everything" he said half chuckling.
"What are we gonna do? We can't stay here the whole weekend! " I panicked.
"Uhm- I think some staff come by tomorrow
Don't you remember? They always have to check on the school on weekends" he Munched on some pastries he had brought from home.
"Ugh that means I'm gonna miss black Friday"
"The way that is your only worry" he laughed.
Time passed and the sun started to set, leaving us with a beautiful view to the sunset.
"Wanna go onto the roof right under the window? It might be a little cold but we can grab some blankets from the emergency shelf" jisung suggested.
I agreed and we both carefully climbed out the window onto the roof beneath us.
"Say, exactly on which room are we standing right now" I sat sitting down on a small pillow.
"Probably on top of the cafeteria. Don't even think about jumping its way too high" he said leaning over the edge.
The cold soon greeted us, freezing my hands and tickling my nose.
We just sat there, looking into the sky.
The bright stars decorated the horizon ravishing , the moon half lighted.
We sat there for what seems a a decade, which only were 30 minutes, before jisung finally spoke up. „It's getting kinda chilly. Let's go inside and warm up, eh?"
I agreed and we both climbed back into the classroom,where I was instantly met with the warmth coming from the heater.
We both were too exhausted to build ourselves something close to being called a 'bed' so we just pushed two tables together and sat in front of eachother and layer our heads on the table ,only covered by a simple blanket.
It was quiet and jisung seemed to have fallen asleep earlier than I did, as I started to hear soft snoring from his side.
I stared into the pretty clear sky for a bit longer, before drifting off to sleep as well.

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