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We arrived home a little after, placing the bags on the kitchen counter and putting the food needed to be cooled in the refrigerator and freezer.
"Oh, before I forget. Here" I gave him the clothing and smiled at him.
He got so excited to put it on his plushie and directly ran into his room, making me chuckle.
As we stepped out into the cold again, the snow was so high I couldn't see my feet anymore.
It still snowed, several snowflakes landing on our heads and clothing.
First we built a snowman together.
I was in charge of the middle body while he did the bottom.
"Omg stop it, it's getting way too big" I laughed out, seeing the ball bigger than jisung himself.
At the end we decorated it with shiny stones, a carrot and a scarf.
As he put the last stick into the middle body, I snapped a picture of him looking like a little child again.
His noise was a faint pink and his eyes sparkled from the led lights decorated around the city.
I put away my camera and once I saw him completely mesmerized by the snowman, I took the opportunity to take a snowball and throw it at him.
"Ay! " he laughed out, big chunks of snow falling down his shirt.
We started our own little war, hiding behind walls and trees while trying to throw the balls at each other.
I giggled the whole time, seeing him in his full element.
After what seemed to be eternity we got a little tired and fell onto the ground next to each other.
We were still laughing, staring into each other's eyes while calming down slowly.
"It still hasn't stopped snowing" I looked up at the sky, the snowflakes seeming grey from above, one falling straight into my eye, making me gasp slightly.
The people around us giving us weird stares seemed to blurr out as I closed my eyes and cuddled closer to jisung.
It was cold, I might've lost sense in my ass but it was so worth it.
"You know, winter ain't my favorite season for nothing" he spoke out, combing my hair softly with his cold hands.
I smiled, feeling his hot breath against my forehead.
There were street musicians playing calm songs and children laughing down the street.
The only source of light coming from the sky, was the moon, shining brightly through the clouds.
I took a few selfies with us laying in the snow, him having snow on his hair and many more before we finally decided to go back inside to warm up our freezing bodies.
We left the heating mashine on before we left, making our apartment cozy and warm.
Bbama greeted us happily, jumping up and down on jisung legs.
We changed our clothes to something more comfortable (and less wet) and settled on the couch under my favorite blanket.
"I spoke to chan earlier.
Starting tomorrow were really gonna work and produce our music" he spoke excited.
"Really?" I questioned happily
"I'm so happy for you my love, I know y'all are gonna make it big" I smiled widely, his smile growing too.
We cuddled up for the rest of the night sharing hot drinks and cookies.
We eventually even fell asleep on the couch, the warmth way too welcoming to leave the place any time.

Time skip

Lee knows pov

"You know how ridiculous you look right now" I teased her, laughing at her cute figure standing in the hallway with her new coat. She pouted at me angrily.
"If you don't like it, why did you buy it for me" she crossed her arms.
"Because I love seeing you look like an ant in these big as coats, it's cute"
She widened her eyes at my remark, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks before she shouted a loud 'whatever' and rushed back into the bathroom.
I chuckled, returning to my cross word puzzle I've been stuck on.
It was funny how easily she got embarrassed, I figured she hasn't had many partners in her life so far.
She came back 6 minutes later huffing at me before taking a peek at what I was doing.
Have you ever been in a relationship " I questioned her, not looking away from my paper to make it seem like less of a big deal to talk about.
"W-" she coughed out, choking slightly on her own saliva.
I laughed softly staring directly into her eyes.
"You know, you seem embarrassed easily, if you had experience with relationship and flirts you wouldn't get all that shy over being called cute" I booked her nose and she took my finger, squishing it in her hand.
"For your information I did have a boyfriend yet" she looked away angrily and I chuckled again. Just why was it so fun teasing her?
I was chilling at her house since my parents fought a lot again and I didn't have anything better to do.
Once I saw the heavy snow falling from the sky I took the opportunity to gift her the coat I've been dying to give to her.
"Why exactly didn't you wanna join the band the boys created? " she questioned, playing with a random squishy lying around her apartment.
"Well then I wouldn't have as much time to annoy you now, would I? " I smirked at her teasingly, receiving a genuine slap on my shoulder.
I chuckled before continuing my sentence
"No, but I seriously rather spend my time with you than with these crack heads, plus I'm more into photography than music"
She smiled at me, answering with a short 'valid' and I smiled back.
I thought about when the time would've come to ask her out, but I felt like it was still too early.
I've just freshly made her comfortable around me, I didn't wanna ruin that by confessing so soon.
It were the little things that made me cherish her so much.
The way her hair is all messy when she wakes up, the way we seem to have just the same humor.
The way my heart skips little to many beats whenever I feel her skin against mine.
The way her favorite sanrio character is pom pom purin because it reminds her of me.
The way she randomly comes up with the most stupid ideas, creating the best memories in the end.
The way I always felt like bringing her up in conversations, the way I saw her in everything. Strawberry cups, pink sweaters, roses, fox plushies.
We had a scented candle lit, it being the only source of light we had in this cold night. But it somehow seemed more comfortable like this. With her, everything seemed like a happy place.
I smiled to myself, looking at her concentrated face as she eagerly tried to solve a mini game she's been playing on her phone.
"Are you still in love with Felix? " I suddenly blurred out. I didn't even realize my choice of words before they've slipped though my mouth.
She stared at me, a little startled at the sudden noise
"Uh well- I still feel incredibly sad looking or even just thinking of him, but I think I'm okay now" she said softly, the yellow light making her features seem even more sweeter, softer, cuter than usual.
"Really? I'm glad" I smiled at her softly.
"To be honest I'm kinda surprised tho. You've been sulking about him for a month straight, why the sudden change of heart? " I asked her, taking a closer look into her eyes.
"Maybe it's because I found someone who's better for me than him. Someone who'd actually take the time to look at me, not through me like he did"
"Who? "
"I don't know, it's just a feeling that there's someone I just haven't recognized like that" she grinned, happy with her choice of words and I chuckled, returning to my cross word game.

Only you || 𝙷𝚊𝚗 𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ༄Where stories live. Discover now