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Lee know pov

I sat at an empty table, enjoying the breakfast buffet in the restaurant while looking at the seagulls outside,fighting over a few fries.
I haven't seen jisung or y/n around yet, jisung probably had to force them out the bed just like he did in elementary school...
It felt nice knowing that only their looks have changed,even tho they were complete strangers to me now.
I got up and put my dirty dishes into the little shelf next to the clean dishes
Outside, i put on my favorite sunglasses to not get blinded by the sun and made my way over to the tennis part of the cruise.
On my way I ran into the girl who always hangs with jisung and y/n.
"Ah, lee know right? We haven't gotten the chance to meet yet,I'm sungea"
"Uhm,yea. Pleasure to meet you"
She smiled and shook my hand
"On your way to tennis?"
"Uh,yes actually.you wanna join?"
"Yes ofc!"
So me and her went to play tennis,waiting for jisung and y/n to finally wake up. Sungea was a very funny girl.with her, conversations couldn't get boring or awkward as she always found things to talk about.
I found out a lot more about Han and y/n. Things that happened,which I missed.
Tho she was confused when I told her I knew about the death of y/n's mother and sister
I threw a ball into the air and hit it hard with my bat.
"Much stuff happened between the three of us,but more between me and y/n...
Not only have I once been their bully,but not long after also their best friend in 5th grade"
"Wait what"
I chuckled slightly,picking up the tennis ball.
"After jisung had left, I felt undiscribably guilty and confused. So I did a little make up here and there,cut my hair and became another person. Lee minho. I needed the answers and I had to know if in the end they forgave me. I just....I just got a little too attached to them and forgot about my mission so I had to ghost them."
"Woah- but what about the while 'I know why her moms dead' thing. They both didn't die that early"
"We'll, I've been friends with Chan for a very long time, yk the big handsome guy,kinda silly, kinda shy"
"Yeah yea I know him" she hit the ball back to me,making me loose balance slightly.
"He knows all about what happened between me,y/n and jisung. One day,he gave me a call for a mission to save y/n and as soon as I heard their name I was already making myself into Minho again.we were the ones that took y/n to gyona."
"Ugh that bitch,I hated her the second she stepped foot into the school"
"We hated her too.... I'm glad she's dead now. However, we didn't plan for y/n's family to die, but we knew if we 'mostly Chan' didn't cooperate with her,she would've gone completely insane on everyone around y/n"
"How did y/n react when they saw you again?"
"We'll" I catchend the ball with my hand and went over to sungea,catching my breath.
"They were mad. Said Smth with 'how dare you look at me like that after ghosting me "
"Did you see their family getting killed?"
"No.I was only in charge of putting them into the hotel.we needed more than one person or else escaped"
"That's so dark tho"
"I know,I felt so damn bad for them in that moment,but I had no other choice than to accept it and act bad"
"So what did you do after y'all brought them to the hotel?"
"Well, for some time I kept watching them to see if they're okay,then I was in charge to keep watch on jisung in jail"
"Ohh,yes I remember he was falsely accused of murder"
"Exactly.I made sure he wasn't having the worst time in there"
"Seems like you really regretted what you did to them "
"More than anything.I think the second I saw jisung leave was when it all hit me."
"Well,from what I know they both forgave you like it never happened.you're a good person Lee know.sometimes love does things to us we can't explain"
"Thank you sungea."
"We'll,you want some ice cream?"
We walked towards the ice cream stand and got our favorite flavors.
"No way,you like yoghurt the most as well?"
"Yes! I don't get why so many people hate it it's godl-"
"Yooo! Sungea and Lee know, what a surprise to see you guys together "
"Ah, if it isn't jisung. Slept well?"
"Like a Baby" he grinned at us
"But oh my- it's only 2pm, why didn't you turn around again and took another nap?" I sad sarcastically, holding my wristwatch in front of my face, making his grin fade within a second.
Sungea just laughed at him
"Want some yoghurt ice cream?"
"Ew, seriously? Who eats that crap"
"We do" sungea and I said in unsion.
"Okay okay chill,but no thanks imma get amarena"
"Suit yourself picky boy" I rolled my eyes at him
"Ah,wait, jisung?"
"Where's y/n?"
"Probably still asleep"
"Of course..."
"Let's go wake them" sungea suggested.
"Fun idea"
We went over to their room and knocked, not much to our surprise, no one answered.
Sungea tried again and again as I licked the ice cream off of my hands, waiting for some sign of life.
"Ughhh y/n open this god damn door there's no way you're planning on sleeping the whole day" she got annoyed.
"Let them sleep if they want to,no way am I willing to deal with a grumpy y/n" sungea laughed and kept on banging on the door. One of the guests even came out their hotel room and asked if we were okay,due to the loud noises sungea caused.
Eventually she got y/n awake and they let us in their room, completely messed up and confused.
"What time is it?" They asked rubbing their head,while looking out the window.
"Around 2pm. You missed half the day,congratulations "
"Holy shit-"
We all laughed
"Nooo we already leave tomorrow I wanted to spend the rest of the day doing everything her I didn't do already"
"Might not be too late for that actually. Go get dressed and then we can have lunch"
"Lunch?" Sungea looked up from y/n's bed,which was apparently way more comfy than hers.
"Yes, they have macaroni casserole today. After eating we can play a round tennis with y/n and then maybe have karaoke on the bottom of the ship" I suggested,thinking about everything y/n hasn't tried yet.
"Omg yes,y/n hurry your ass and get ready,we'll be waiting outside of your room"
"Will do" they replied,closing the door behind us.
"We'll then, let's sit here on the floor and wait shall we"

Only you || 𝙷𝚊𝚗 𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ༄Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora