
463 14 16

Reader pov

I woke up to the growing pain In my neck and arms.
Sleeping in such position wasn't a very good idea after all. Jisung was still in front of me, sleeping.
I quickly shook my head as I realized that I've been staring at him for some good 5 minutes. I got up and went to the emergency shelf to get ourselves some breakfast. I prepared two cans of soda, sweet bread and some chocolate bars.
After placing it down on paper tables, I went up to him and tried to wake him.
"God, why are you such a heavy sleeper. I'm always the one waking you up! Wake up jisunggggg" I shook him lightly.
"Hm what yea just... Just one more minute"
"You don't want breakfast? "
"Wha- breakfast? " he suddenly was wide awake making me let out a chuckle.
We sat on the place I prepared and started eating what was there.
"Will you believe me if I said this is the best I could find? " I said ripping up a piece of the bread.
"Yea actually. The teachers don't look very caring towards the emergency food here.
I guess we're just lucky to have smth" he
He groaned.
I looked at the clock. 9:48 am.
The schools Staff should come at 10:30 so we had enough time to finish our food and clean the mess we made.
"I wonder how ji-ho Is doing.
she hasn't texted me in days and mom isn't answering either." "Maybe they both just had enough of you" he joked.
"Keep joking about it, I'm getting worried dude"
We finished cleaning our mess and started impatiently waiting for the staff to arrive, meanwhile playing tic tac toe and hang man.
"Hah! Gotcha again! Seriously, I've been using the same strategy for the past 4 times, how bad can someone be at tic tac toe" he teased me.
"If you don't want this pen sticking right up your ass you better shut it rn" I held the pen in front of his face making him back off.
"Aight chill chill I wasn-"
He got cut off by the sound of a door opening.
"Omg- is he here? " I whispered.
"Why the heck are you whispering into my ear, your breath is hot" he looked at me grossed out.
"Bit- let's just get out of here" we started making staff notice our presence by banging on the door and yelling for them.
Not long after we heard the door in front of us Open. "Wh- what are you kids doing here? " he looked pretty shocked.
"Our favorite teacher decided to lock us in here and just leave" I fake smiled at him before we both started running out of there like the building is gonna explode.
Outside of the school we stopped to catch our breath.
"I swear, I'm never scribbling on our teachers cards anymore" he whined.
We said goodbye and I immediately went home to check on everything.


Mom what's wrong?
Why aren't you and ji opening my
I'm getting worried

Defeated, I put my phone back onto the drawer of my bed and put on the TV. To the music videos coming from it I started cleaning my room and dancing to a few choreographies I knew.

Jisung pov

When I arrived at home, I instantly searched for my dog, bbama.
When I saw him laying on the couch, I immediately went to him and cupped his fluffy cheeks.
"Bbamaa! How have you been? You must be so hungry. Come on let's get you some food! " I got up to the kitchen and clapped my hands on my leg, ordering him to come up.
After I fed the little fluff, I sat down and looked at my notifications on my phone.
Its_gyona tagged you in a post.
Its_gyona tagged you in a story.
7 new messages from the strays
18 new messages from its_gyona
The Bible now for free??? Read now.

"When will this girl leave me alone. "
I groaned opening the messages from gyona.

Jisung, wanna meet up
after school??
Why aren't you replying?
you're really just gonna ignore me???
I met your friends. They told me
you've been with some girl the last
they saw you.
Answer me!
Who is that hoe?
Missed call from gyona
Missed call from gyona
Missed call from gyona
Missed call from gyona
Missed call from gyona
If you don't text me back soon I'm
gonna report you missing.
I'm sure that girl you've been with
did smth to you.

Omg- whats her problem
I rolled my eyes and got a little more comfortable in my position before answering her text.

I'm sure that girl you've been with
did smth to you.

Hey, I'm okay.
Don't report me missing.
I fell asleep as soon as I got home,sorry.


I shut my phone, walking into my room.
When I sat down on my table, I pulled out a small picture from the shelf on my table.
I stared at it and smiled to myself.
"I finally found you again. And this time, I'm not gonna mess up again. "
I put the picture back into the shelf and got out of the house to take bbama for a walk.
I sat down with him and let him run around the dog park.
A few minutes passed and I enjoyed my peace, when I heard an oh too known voice calling out to me.
-please no I can't deal with her rn- I thought squinting my eyes, hoping if I squeezed them tight enough, she wouldn't see me.
"Uhm- sungie, what are you doing" she asked clearly confused.
"Shouldn't I ask you this? Why are you in LA?" I answered her, trying to stay polite.
"Well you left me no chance- how should I live alone in Korea without my sungieeee" she tried grabbing my arm.
"Hey, gyona, stop seriously. We're long over and I don't want anything from you anymore. "
"Gyona? You're supposed to call me gyonie like you used tooo" she pouted.
"That was like what? Four years ago? Unlike you, I have matured. Please leave me alone now. " I got my arm away from her grip and left to get bbama.
"Wait! Who was that girl? " she yelled after me.
Pff as if that's any of her business.

Timeskip- Monday morning
Reader pov

I woke up peacefully, by my now softly ringing alarm clock.
"I'll always be theeeeereeee I'm gonna stayyyyy geudae gyeote deo gakkai
Still always be there
I’m gonna stay
kkumgyeol soge ne-" I shut it off still tired but at least not pissed off.
The summer part of winter was officially gone and I struggled getting my body away from the pleasing warm blanket.
Eventually, I forced myself out, regretting it almost immediately as the cold reached every inch of my skin.
I made myself some hot tea downstairs and went back up to get myself ready for school. "If I would've been woken up by that bitchy alarm again I'd totally skip today"
I dressed into a black T-shirt and a brown sweater, adding some warm pants and extra fluffy socks. Over my jacket I swung my favorite scarf.Although I dressed up like a snowman I still managed to look good.
I got out and went to school, only to see that it was- closed?
"What the actual hee hee is going on"
"Y/n! Have you heard? Apparently they found a dead body in the janitors office! "
I stared at the girl in front of me.

Oop two new characters in hereeee
Hope you enjoyed~♡

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