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I finish putting all my clothes in to the closet and put my bag behind it before checking on jisung.
I walk over to him, seeing him sitting on the couch with a little white fluff ball
"No way! You never told me you had a dooog" I squeaked and ran over to the dog, petting it.
"His name is bbama. I got him just a little ago, so I figured you'll find out on your own"
"Bbamaaa" I repeated in a high pitched voice. I wasn't a dog person, cats were my everything. But whenever I see a little creature like that my heart just melts and I directly fall in love with them.
"He's so handsome" I complimented bbama.
"Just like his owner! "
I looked at both bbama and jisung a few times, comparing them, then gave jisung a disgusted head shake.
"Wow okay, fuck you"
We both laughed, me sitting next to him.
"So, whatcha found"
"Nothing. All I see is some high school Musical shit" he moaned.
"How can you not find anything bffr"
"I don't usually watch TV, sue me"
"So no tv then... "
I looked at the floor for a little, thinking.
Jisung just stared, expecting an idea.
Suddenly, I grabbed one of the pillows and hit his head with it.
"Dude I have a dog here! "
He held his hand up in defense, putting bbama away, before grabbing one as well and attacking me
We had a full on war hovering over each other, slamming the white pillows at each other's bodies.
"Watch out for that vase-" were my last words before he full on ran against it, smashin it
"Fuck em vases>:) "
I ran away, him chasing me after successful taking my pillow too.
"Please don't hurt me! I have kids and a wife"
And damn- he didn't even hesitate smashing both of the pillows directly into my face.
I fell onto the ground, defeated and out of breath. Also having a laugh flash.
Jisung fell right next to me, also laughing.
"You look so messed uppp" I laughed out loud at his sheep hair. It was everywhere.
"Look at yourself! You're in your shirt with only one arm! "
I laughed so hard, my tummy started hurting.
After calming down, we both got up and sat down at the nearest chairs( we were now located in the kitchen)
"Woo I can breathe again. I'mma go take a shower, you can take a look around if you'd like"
"Don't have to tell me twice"
He got up and left to the bathroom, as I made my way to observe the house.
There weren't many rooms, just enough to fit two people perfectly.
I looked through the living room shelfs and the chamber, finding nothing but old books and a vacuum cleaner in it. I already knew the kitchen and my room, so I went to the last one. His room.
I expected it to be all messy like all those boys rooms from the movies. Surprisingly it was the opposite.
The walls were the only ones painted black and a big mosaic sheet hung on the wall above his bed. On it sat a guitar and under his window a keyboard.
It was all tidy and viby.
His wardrobe and shelfes were also black with milk glasses (yk the ones that look see through but they ain't)
His table looked the prettiest. There were many drawing and writing materials and a small shelf with drawers on it.
"Naaah I shouldn't.... Or should I? "
I went over to the table and opened drawer after drawer. There was money inside, a passport and family pictures.
The last drawer however to on my attention.
In it was the stone I had given him and a picture of two kids.
I took the Polaroid and a family picture of him and compared them.
"The boy is definitely him but who's the-"
I looked more closely.
The other person was a small girl, barely smaller than him with pink ribbons in her hair.
"That's.... Me"
It couldn't be... Was this really me? *Why can't I remember anything about that time...*
I tried thinking back to my childhood.
There plenty of memories with sungea, my dad and lee know, but him? I tried remembering the location in the background. The children sat on a bench. Their faces muddy and their hair messy. They looked happy and smiled brightly. In the back was a tree and a...
"A pink slide" I said to myself, going over the slide on the picture.
"Where did I see this slide before? "
Then it hit me.

8 years ago

"Come on hannie, catch me"
"Give me a chance y/n! You're so fast" the little boy yelled out, trying to catch up.
The other kid went up to the slide and looked down at him panting.
"Already giving up? Then it's decided! I'm the winner! " they celebrated, smiling brightly
"Just you wait till I get up that damn slight " he said, making his way up, but before he could reach y/n, they already slided down.
"Damnit" he slided after them and fortunately for him, they forgot to move.
He catched them, throwing them into the big mud puddle.
Both of them laughing out loud, throwing mud at each other.
"Han, y/n what are you doing! I told you to not go out, it's raining! You'll get all sick! " y/n's mother called out for them, making them come inside.
"But mommy it was so fun"
"I can see that sweetheart" she laughed out
"Let's take a picture of you cutie pies "
"But mooom you know I hate pictures"
"Just pose y/n"
"3, 2,1 say cheeeese"
They smiled as brightly as they could, holding each other's back for support.
"Wonderful! Now, let's get you cleaned up"
And with that they went inside and took a hot shower.
After that, they snuggled up together under a blanket, sipping on their hot chocolate.
"Hm han? "
"Promise me, whatever happens, you'll never forget me"
"How could I forget you y/n? "
"I don't know... I'm just scared to loose you"
They hugged and continued watching their favorite show, cuddled up together.

Flashback end

"No way... " my mouth stood open.
The han? He really used his last name as a nickname and never told me his first name? I looked at the closed bathroom door in disbelief.


"Wait- what do you mean? I don't understand"
"The kids at school start to bully you too. I can't let that happen! I have to leave. I have to make things right"
"I don't care if they pick on me! Let them do whatever they want! Don't leave me here, I love you! " little y/n said, tearing up.
"I'm sorry... " he said, giving them one last long hug and a kiss on to their forehead.
"I promise, I won't forget you y/n" with that he left...
5 days later, the child wanted to go out to play in the rain. They put on their raincoat and went outside. The air was quite chilly and their cheeks and hands immediately started freezing. They put their hands inside of their coat pocket to feel something hard and cold. It revealed to be a gorgeous stone with some Korean letters on it. Y/n ofc didn't understand the symbols written on it, but they knew it was from their beloved other, who had just left them.
They got back inside and placed the stone on top of a shelf, next to other significant memories.
"Protect me from the world, stone" they spoke out, staring at it

Flashback end

"Oh my god. That's why he wanted to have the stone! How could I forget such a precious gift" I carefully placed back the items into the drawer after hearing the water being turned off.
I made my way on to his bed and threw myself on it, enjoying the scent of him on the sheets.
I heard him walking out, just that he didn't expect me to be inside of his room, so he left and searched for me everywhere.
"Y/n? Did bbama eat you? " he yelled out, making me giggle. After a few minutes he looked inside of his room, seeing me laying there, a smile plastered on my face.
"Aishh, what are you doing in my bed, you're making it all dirty"
"Hey! Fine, I'll go take a shower"
"You better be" he said jokingly.
I took some clothes from my wardrobe and went inside of the bathroom.
The air was still suffocated and it smelled like his shampoo.
I locked the door and took a quick safety check, looking for any cameras and stuff. It wasn't like I didn't trust him, it was rather a habit of mine.
I undressed and turned on the water.
I felt the water turning from cold to hot, many drops sprinkling onto me at once. I held my face up high, letting the water wet my face and hair at once.
I did my routine and enjoyed the hot water for some good 5 minutes, before turning the water down and reaching for the towel- *shit* I wiped the water off of my face and looked around for a towel.
"Uh- jisung?" I yelled out
"What's up? Need anything? "
"I kind off can't find a towel"
"Oh! Sorry, I forgot to tell you. I keep them outside of the bathroom, wait I'll get you one" he answered me.
*gosh, how embarrassing* I mentally facepalmed myself and waited for him to return with a towel.
"Hey uh, can you unlock the door please, I promise I won't look! I swear" he empathized the last word extra long making me giggle a little. I trusted him enough to know that he wouldn't look.
I got out of the shower, the cold air immediately hitting me, and reached for the lock. I unlocked the door and opened it slightly. Before I could look out or anything I saw his arm reaching through, holding two towels in it.
I laughed a bit at his seriousness and took the towel.
"Thanks ji"
"Mhm yea no problem! " he sat and pulled the door shut the next second.
*this boy istg*
I dried myself quickly and got dressed, then making my way out again.
I swung the towel over my shirt and sat down next to him on his bed.
"I'm allowed on you bed now, right? "
"I was joking"
"I know I know" I said, getting more comfortable.
The mix of my new shampoo and his fresh sheets filled me whole as I got under the blankets.
"Your bed is way more comfortable than mine"
"It's just for the first day, after a while you'll grow sick of it too trust me"
I pulled out my phone and scrolled through insta.
*I completely forgot telling sungea about the moving-*
I texted her everything and went back to liking enhypens new posts.
"Do you feel like going to school tomorrow? "
"I think so. After all, I got you, my personal vitamin" we laughed
"Don't push yourself to anything, I'm writing notes for you so you won't get confused" "thank youuu~ but I really wanna come back tomorrow, I miss school"
"Never thought I'd hear that out of your mouth" he said, chuckling lightly.
*han jisung. You actually came back for me*
"Why are you staring at me like that-" he asked looking at me confused
"Ah- nothing, I was just thinking about something"

Let's goooo
I don't know why I'm always updating at night, I just feel more motivated to write then idk('༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ ) I got an a on one of my tests :3 here I was thinking my future is ruined and I'll end up sleeping under a bridge-

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