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"Oh.my.god. This is so mf beautiful"
We got out of the plane,heading with our suitcases towards a taxi.
"Doesn't seem so overrated now huh" sungea joked,reminding me of the time I complained about tourists over visiting the place. I chuckle in embarrassment, putting my suitcase into the car.
"Okay so,before we check into the hotel, are you sure you're okay with a single room or do you want to stay with us?", lee know typed something into his phone, looking at me with a pitiful expression.
"Seriously guys I'll be fine. Y'all probably need the time alone", i winked,earning a slap on my shoulder from sungea.
We made the driver play songs from our playlist and even forced him to sing with us, he seemed like a very nice guy.
Arrived at the hotel,we took our suitcases and checked in,receiving our keys.
My room was 5 rooms away from theirs, number 148.
As I walked inside,I was instantly mesmerized by the beauty of it. The room was designed in beige and white,colorful art hanging on the walls. It had a bedroom and bathroom,the bathroom had a one in two shower and bath.
I quickly unpacked my suitcase (knowing very well I wouldn't do it at all if not immediately) before plopping down on the bed.
It smelled like fresh flowers and lime and holy cow was it soft.
I dialed jisungs number, hoping he had time. It rang four times before I finally heard his voice again.
"Hey angel~ how's band practice?"
"It's fine,we're working on the last ends a little more and on a bridge and then we can finally show our music tomorrow!"
He sounded kind of tired but I smiled widely,knowing how happy he was with this.
"I'm soooo so proud of you, I wish you the best of luck on your show"
"Thank you hun,although I wish you could be there to watch me"
"Aishhh you got this,I'll be watching a live from one of the people in the audience,I'll be cheering for you!" I smiled, telling him about the hotel room and all the things we planned doing before he had to get back to practice. I hung up, sighing before getting up to hang out with lee know and sungea.
I found them in their room, unpacking their suitcases.
"I have never seen sungea unpack her suitcase on a trip,Lee know, what did you do to my best friend" I jokingly stared at lee know in shock,sitting down on their bed.
"She's the one who forced me" he chuckled
"I just wanna be able to spend time here peacefully,also I have a reservation for the cafe around the corner in half an hour,so you better hurry your ass"
"Yea? I'll go get ready then rq~"
I walked back to my room,looking through my clothes for something fitting. I went with a dark brown sweater and comfy pants,wrapping jisungs scarf around my neck and brushing my hair.
We went to the cafe and immediately were greeted by cute kittens,making lee know gasp and picking one up.
"You didn't tell me they had kitties!" He pouted at the kitty, petting its little head.
We both chuckled at him,sitting down at one of the chairs. Lee know took the cat with him and wouldn't let go of it. It was a white cat with black spots,making it look like a cow.
I ordered a hot chocolate for myself as sungea ordered a cappuccino and Lee know an iced americano.
One of the kitties came to me and layed on my lap. It was a grey cat with a white spot on its neck.
Lee know almost teared up, taking a picture of the cat in my lap.
"You seem to like cats" I giggle.
" and they seem to like you! I want one on my lap toooo" he pouted again,putting the cow cat on his lap but it just ended up jumping off of him.
I chuckled, petting the grey cat.
"I randomly found out he likes cats so much,that's why I took you guys here" sungea exclaimed proudly,as one of the waitresses came to us and gave us our drinks.
"So, since we're staying two weeks does that mean I won't get to spend new years with Han?" I said,sipping on my hot chocolate.
"Well....yea...but it's his fault since he didn't wanna tag along" sungea shrugged.
I looked at her sadly before sighing.
"I know...I just wish his band wasn't so stressful...I'm loosing like 90% of quality time with him"
Sungea nodded, watching lee know play with the cats.
"At this point I don't even know if we can be mad at him for it...it's his dream after all" she sighed as well,sipping on her cappuccino.
We spent over 3 hours at the cafe since lee know couldn't let go of the kittens until we finally managed to convince him.
"Sometimes I wonder if I'm dating a man or a baby in size xL"
I laughed,admitting that he acted like a child sometimes.
"That just means he doesn't feel like hiding his true self from you tho" I wink,making her smile.
We arrived back at the hotel, saying goodbye to each other as I walked back into my room. I changed into my pajamas before finally crawling under the blankets,letting the warmth consume me.
I texted Han goodnight with a kiss smiley, smiling before plugging my phone into my charger and turning it off.
I stared out of the window for good 20 minutes before I finally let my eyelids drop as I fell asleep.

I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am for not uploading 😭I've been working on 4 chapters for the past two months, I dont have anyyyy motivation, I really hope I can get more motivation by posting this part🥹🥹 sorry again for not updating, I hope I can finish this before Christmas💕

Only you || 𝙷𝚊𝚗 𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ༄Where stories live. Discover now