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I lost sense Just of how many hours have past since jisung has left the apartment to meet up with chan.
I was laying on my back in the living room, the faint sound of the clock ticking keeping my mind empty and still.
Now that our finals are over, we got the whole winter to spend together.
The sudden noise of the door opening has woken me up from my daydream as I smelled the sweet scent of cotton candy.
"Hey there,love.I'm sorry It took so long." He scratched his neck, holding his arms out,inviting me into a hug.
I skipped over to him and embraced him closely.
"It's okay, we had nothing important planned" I smiled up at him, placing a soft kiss against his lips.
His hands were cold against my warm cheeks,but I couldn't care less about that.
"Theres a carnival outside, wanna go?" He grinned from ear to ear, his inner child showing itself the fullest.
"Yes! It's been so long since we've to one"
Right outside of our apartment was a seafood stand and next to it a soft ice one.
"Woah,why is it right here?" I laughed out clearly surprised as to how I didn't hear all the noises from inside.
"That's good tho,less walking for us!"
We bought each a crepe and a hot chocolate and sat down at one of the benches.
The music thankfully wasn't the typical radio music type,but a rather romantical genre.
There were children blowing bubbles, pairs sharing a drink and family's playing different games.
Jisung decided to go with his favorite jacket today,which was also mine as it made him look like a little floof ball.
I wore his scarf and a big black jacket.
Once we finished our food and drinks, I pointed over to a claw machine that I had eyeing for the past 6 minutes,as it had a cute little penguin plushie in it.
"Wanna try your luck?" I asked him, a playful grin plastered on my face.
"I thought you'd never ask"
Claw machines were one of Hans favorite things at carnivals,especially with his master skills.
We went over there and I pointed at what I wanted.
It only took him 5 tries to get it, he even managed to pull out a dinosaur with it.
The spark in his eyes as he gave me the penguin made my heart flutter and my mouth curl up into a genuine smile.
I named my penguin maeum (heart in Korean ) representing it as the source of our love.
It was a pink penguin with black eyes and white spots,and gosh was it fluffy.
"Its so adorable,thank you so so much my dear" I kissed his cheek in excitement.
Jisung named his dinosaur di-boss, making me laugh for good 5 minutes.
We later on went to a little craft store and bought miniature glasses for di-boss.
"It suits him very well, don't you think?" He joked, posing for a selfie.
It included Han,the dinosaur,the penguin and me.
"How cuteee,it's like our own little family" I giggled at jisungs cuteness, he looked genuinely happy and that made me happy too.
"I shall protect what's mine"he yelled out and pulled me closer to him, staring at everyone around him.
These were one of the reasons I fell in love with him. His effortlessly funny humor. With him,it felt like time has stopped even just for a split second and age didn't matter,really.
Once we got home,we were packed with sweets, cute accessories for maeum and di-boss and a few winter clothes for ourselves.
"Ugghhhh that was so much fun! But I'm honestly completely tired now, imma head to bed." I said, placing the bags gently on the floor.
"Wait for me! I'll be right there" I heard him yelling from the bathroom.
I chuckled and got into bed, waiting for my boyfriend to join me under the warm blankets.
While I felt my cheeks heating up again and my feet unfrozing, my eyes started to get heavier and heavier making me unable to wait any longer for my love to join me in bed,so I fell asleep a little before he came in.
"Really, this dumbass....but you're my dumbass" he cuddled up next to me, petting my hair before he too,fell asleep.

I woke up, my arm feeling half frozen after it was unprotected from the coldness by the blanket all night.
I didn't see jisung laying next to me, but I heard some cracking in the kitchen so I figured he was preparing breakfast.
As I stretched myself in front of my bed, I took a look outside and gasped out of excitement.
"Hannnn, it's snowing! " I yelled from out of the bedroom and ran towards him, excitement written all over my face.
"It's been snowing for the past 30 minutes, what do you mean? " he laughed out.
"Also good morning to you too" he rolled his eyes, picking out two plates from the shelf above him.
"I think we should go out and built a snowman when there's enough snow! "
He looked at me with the most loveable eyes, making me blush in embarrassment before I sat down at the table.
It did took the snow maybe a little bit too long to be enough, so after two hours we decided to wait and go out in the evening.
We spent the day cuddled up on the couch, rewatching our favorite animes and talking about our plans in the next few days, eventually face timing sungea to talk to her a bit too.
"Maybe an hour or so before we go out we should go grocery shopping" I suggested
"I wanted to make myself a sandwich yesterday but the fridge was completely empty, we'll not really. But only with stuff I'd rather not eat anymore"
He chuckled and agreed to my idea before turning back to the anime we were currently watching.
A few hours have passed and we just ended up chilling on our phones with the movies completely abandoned when it was finally time to go out.
"Oh, it's already 6 cmon let's get ready" he clapped his hands in order to get me up from the couch, which did not exactly work so he had to drag me towards my room.
We dressed cozy and took a few bags with us (cause let's be honest why spend so damn much money on bags in the shops when you can just bring your own).
Once we got out it was already completely white everywhere and the cold hit me instantly.
The fresh air blew a few snowflakes into my face and I chuckled watching my boyfriend try to catch some with his tongue.
As we made our way towards the supermarket, he intertwined our hands and put them in his pocket after seeing me struggle to keep my nerves alive.
I smiled, looking at where he placed our hands, my heart beating rapidly.
The grocery store was my rescue.
It felt like I was being freed from an ice cube.
The market played classic christmas music (at the time we came in last christmas) and there were tons of Christmas sweets on special stands.
Sweets like cinnamon rolls, nougat or those cute chocolate lollis with the snowman figure.
We shared a shopping cart and made our way through the list I had prepared while waiting for han the day before so we won't get confused while shopping.
While I was searching for the cheese jisung loves the most, a nice coworker came up to me and recommended me some of their discounts. He eventually did manage to make me buy some of the stuff he recommended but I didn't mind spending so much, as I was happy I found something cute for jisung.
He made me buy a cute little Christmas hat and gloves, them perfectly fitting di-boss.
After we had shopped everything and almost fell asleep in the waiting line as it was so damn incredibly long, we finally got out and made our way back home.
But this time, the cold didn't bother me as my heart warmed me looking at him being the happiest he's ever been.

Quick update before my birthday<3
School is finally over I hope ill have enough time to complete this story >:)

Only you || 𝙷𝚊𝚗 𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ༄Where stories live. Discover now