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"Sooo, may I ask where we're going? " jisung asked me, throwing his jacket over his shoulder.
We walked 20 minutes through different blocks and he was starting to get impatient.
"Actually,we're already here" I said turning to open the gate infront of us.
"Wha- basketball?"
"Basketball. Ever held a ball in your hands?"
"Then you'll manage,come on "
"Wait,how did you get in there" he gave me the most puzzled look in history.
I laughed. "I'm friends with the owner,now come or do you wanna stay there all day"
I went over to a little box in the corner of the field and pulled out the basketball. I turned around and played the ball towards jisung,him catching it as if it was a ticking bomb.
"Omg relax,will ya?"
"You know damn well I had a D in basketball,don't tell me to calm down"
I chuckled lightly,making my way back to the middle of the field and watched him preparing to throw the ball.
"This one's for you babe" he pointed at me and proceeded to throw the ball to the basket, the ball hitting the ring of it and flying right back into his face.
I inhaled quickly while bursting out into laugher. "Are you okay" I tried saying between my laughs while patting his shoulder. He pouted at me, rubbing his forehead.
"You do it better then"
"Hm fine"
I picked up the ball and threw it like the pro player I am *it did not go into the basket but oh well at least it didn't hit my face*
Jisung put on our shared playlist on Spotify over his Bluetooth box and we played together for hours *between teaching him how to throw it correctly *.
After we were getting a little exhausted we went to a nearby fast food stop and got ourselves fries and some drinks.
"Hm let's sit over there" I pointed to a nearby bench next to a swarm of pigeons.
"No what if they'll steal our food!"
"Then I'll make them to food"
He gasped and dragged me to a different bench.
"Honestly,how can anyone enjoy ketchup.it's so sour and ew" I gave him a disgusted look while dipping my fries into mayonnaise.
"Let me live,will ya? It's not like mayonnaise is any better"
"Better than mashed tomatoes"
We kept eating and occasionally a few friends of jisung stopped by, istg this man is friends with the whole city.
Eventually one of them sat next to us,chatting a bit with jisung.
" who did ya bring here?"
"Oh that's y/n" jisung exclaimed proudly, blabbering stuff of how we met and that I'm the one he always talks about when they hung out.
"Oh,heyy! I've heard so much about you" he gave me a warm smile.
"nice to meet you" I reached my hand out to him, him shaking it with a genuine grin.
I looked at jisung. Who was this dude?
They continued talking and I found out his name was Felix .
He had really pretty features and beautiful freckles.
I zoned out,watching them talk in peace until Felix eventually had to leave.
"We'll, it was nice to meet you y/n. I hope we can get along well" I smiled again and I bid him goodbye.
"I'm sorry it took so long my dear" he said,giving me a kiss on my cheek.
"It's okay! He seems nice. let's go back to the basketball field" I got up from the bench and took his hand.
It was starting to get darker as we both fell to the ground on the field,completely exhausted. The sun started to set as we made up figures out of the pinkish clouds above us.
"I can't believe we have to go back to school tomorrow..."
"Me neither, feels like the summer break only lasted a week or two"
I nodded my head,turning my head to look at him. His side profile made my heart melt out of love and joy.
I carefully took out my phone and without him noticing,I snapped a picture of him.
"I wish I could stay here with you forever " he said, leaning his head closer to mine.
I smiled.
Just being around him filled my heart to the fullest, and to know that he felt the same way about me clearly felt like some type of romance movie.
We walked back home and cuddled up together in bed.
"At this point we should just share a room" he chuckled.
"We'll,I wouldn't really mind that, just that there'd be no way for us to be in privacy in case we fight"
"Just means that we'll have to solve the fight sooner" he grinned, patting my hair slowly.
"Goodnight my love"
"Goodnight jisung "

Next day

We walked to school, sharing headphones as many stressed students walked past us.
Half a year ago,I'd be just as stressed as them.but with jisung around,I seem to be at ease almost all the time.
School suddenly didn't seem like the scary tiring place anymore,plus, jisung told me felix was also attending our school and he invited Felix to have lunch with us today.
We sat at our usual spots in chemistry and waited for the teacher to settle everyone down and start her lesson.
We did a small project, mixing weird looking mixtures together , creating a big mass of foam.
Jisung wasn't careful enough so it all flew into his face,making him look like the marshmallow man from ghost busters.
In math, we wrote a small test with all the stuff we had learned before the holidays and afterwards we had lunch.
I was excited to meet Felix again. Being around him felt like touching light when you've been in complete darkness for way too long.
We sat at our usual spot and unpacked our food while waiting for him.
"I made us sandwiches today, just as you had requested " I pointed proudly at the food tray on the table in front of jisung. "Thank you my love" he spoke,his voice muffled due to the big amount of bread inside of his mouth.
"Ah cmon you guys go get a room" sungea spoke out, with a jokingly disgusted look.
"Y'all didn't wait for me?" I heard a familiar voice call out from behind me, before another tray of food was pushed onto the table next to me, the blonde boy plopping down on the bench next to me.
"Sorry I'm late, had to run some errands for ms. Kong" he rolled his eyes, making me laugh.
"I haven't seen you around yet,may I ask who you are?" Felix asked sungea, her looking at him kinda in like a shock stare? Idk what exactly but it was creepy.
"O-oh I'm sungea, nice to meet you" she held her hand out over the table towards Felix,with him happily taking it.
"Sungea huh? Pretty name! I'm felix"
We proceeded to talk mostly about ourselves,getting to know each other better.
Turns out this man loves playing the piano and does taekwondo. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

Felix pov

"No I usually just stay at home and try to improve my art skills" sungea exclaimed, smiling brightly.
Something about y/n made my insides flutter.
Was it their beautiful smile? Or maybe their dressing style...
I wanted to know more about them. I kept staring at them chatting with everyone,wondering what to do now.
"Hey, can y'all give me your phone numbers so I can create a gc"
That idea randomly plopped into my head istg it was the perfect excuse to get their number.
"Not yours jisung, I already have yours"
He pouted at me "sure leave me out, like you always do" he joked and we laughed at him.
They both gave me their numbers and I created the gc.
I hope y/n isn't already in a relationship... maybe I should ask jisung

Only you || 𝙷𝚊𝚗 𝚓𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 ༄Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora