37.Run Rabbit.

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Footsteps echoed through the empty halls of the villain lair.

He'd made sure boss would be there.

He sighed as he made his way through to minxs office,the door creeking open to announce his entry.
The sound seemingly bouncing off of the walls and echoing back to them as he shut the door and approached the desk.

Purple eyes caught onto him,
Paitently awaiting the reason for his rush to see her.

Ted opened his mouth and pulled in the surrounding air before letting out a sigh saying
"Wilbur has run away."

She hummed in response.

Eyes watching his every move like a hawk,knowingly.

She didn't open her mouth to speak,instead gesturing for him to continue.

"Schlatts trying to find him but I'm worried.Hes not acting himself."
The cow explained.The words fumbling around on his tounge as if it was a hard topic to explain.

Everytime he thought he knew how to explain he'd back track and have to try a diffrent wording.

He was just unsure of how to explain schlatts.....new behaviour.

It was nothing like he'd seen before.
It was wild,deranged a complete contrast to his normal self.

They made eye contact.

No words were exchanged but it didn't matter.His point had managed to land.

We need to find wilbur.

Boss leaned over and picked up her phone,going through the contacts til she reached the one she was looking for.

Ring Ring Ring
It sang leaving them waiting for what felt like an eternity for the other to pick up but as soon as they had minx spoke up in her usually firm tone
"Scott I need you to search our friends homes.Wilburs gone missing."

She fell silent as he replied.

Ted could only watch as her face scrunched up and turned red as she yelled
"I DONT CARE!Just fuckin' look for him!"

There was another moment of silence and her face relaxed.
A sick smile making its way onto her features as she spoke up
"Thank you.Good bye."

She hung up and placed the phone down,turning her attention back to the man stood pathetically by her desk.

"I've sent someone to look for him,that's as much as I can do."
She explained and ted thanked her making his way to the door when she interrupted saying
"But Ted.Keep schlatt in the house and let us deal with this."

He nodded.

"I'll try mam."
He replied,exiting the room and lisening to the echo of his feet in the halls.A few others had appeared now but none of them truly managed to fill the giant room.
The sound of clicking filled the room as the ram searched for wilburs socials.

Was it personal?Yes.
Was this the easiest way to get information on wilbur?He wasn't sure.
Was it stalking?Most deffinatly.
But did he care?Fuck no.

His wilbur had tricked him and schlatt didn't take too kindly to loosing what's his.

It'd taken ages to search up as many names as he possibly could to reach the brunettes social medias but he'd managed to get them.

Annoyingly enough wilburs accounts where private along the majority of accounts and he'd prefer not to wait for wilbur to accept his follow request just so he can look at the brunettes information.

Besides that'd let wilbur know he was looking for him.

So of course he finally gave in,opening his phone and opening up Instagram.

He didn't particularly like Instagram but if wil didn't have a hidden account here then he'd take the chance.

And to his luck he'd found a public account for wil.

He opened it and scrolled through.

He needed all wilburs friends,he needed to see who he spent alot of time with and at this rate he'd narrowed it down to two people.

An eret and a niki.

He smiled as he looked through their instas.

Getting pissed off when he didn't see a clear favourite between the two.

So like any other normal,happy and calm guy he threw the closest thing at a wall,growing happy as he watched the thing shatter.

He wasn't truly sure what he'd just broken,but it wasn't his so he didn't care enough to figure it out.

Instead he just hauled himself up from the chair and went to what was wils room,collapsing onto the bed and letting out a muffled scream into the pillow.

He needed to find his wilbur.

It was passing him off with how long it was taking.He should've just stuck to his guns and refused to let wilbur go.

He should've checked wils room for his phone when he had the chance.

He should have given wilbur a lesson showing him why he shouldn't hide things from him.

He would've loved to have seen the fear in wilburs eyes as he inflicted pain onto the brunette.

Oh how pretty his loves screams would've been.

The thought of wilbur being to scared to leave him made him feel powerful.
It was amazing.
To have wilbur cuddle up to him and beg schlatt not to hurt him or the people wilbur chose to talk to.

To see wilbur cry.

God even his crying face was beautiful.

His Wilbur was perfect.

He just needed to get wilbur back.

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