part 42

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7th October

around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, when Tally fell asleep, leah picked her up and carried her into her room, noticing that the bed hadn't been slept in. she tucked her in and pulled the door, too. she went out and saw beth and viv talking in the kitchen. katie was still asleep. leah realised that katie had no clue what was going on. but then she didn't know any of the stuff that the kid had gone through. tally didn't want anyone who wasn't at the hospital to know, tho she couldn't cope with everyone knowing she just couldn't. leah went over to beth and viv and said "did tally sleep with you last night?" sounding a bit confused. beth nodded "yeh she seemed upset, so she slept with me and viv last night!" beth said softly, knowing that leah was the cause of the upset. leah looked down and nodded, also knowing that was because of her. "sarina is going to call her later!" leah revealed. beth turned to look at her shocked. "What as in a call up for senior squad?" beth asked, hoping it was. "Yeah, at like 3 o'clock ish!" leah said, nodding at her. beth smiled, happy that she was on another team with the young girl. 

about an hour later, katie appeared, and by that point, viv had headed home. Katie looked dead. like really bad. "What happened to you?" beth asked bemused. Katie scowled at her. "I don't know. I think I'm ill cos I never normally am like this!" she said, sounding croaky and hoarse. "You're probably really dehydrated katie here drink this!" leah said, handing her a glass of water. katie nodded at her appreciatively. "Katie, I'm just saying, but tallys really isn't feeling well, so be nice and don't be stupid okay shes had a bad day mentally, so just be chill!" leah warned, going full mama bear mode. katie nodded and looked worried. "Is she ok!" Katie croaked out coughing at the end. she was worried about the kid. she still felt guilty for the whole breakfast incident. "She's okish . She's sleeping, but she's probably gonna wake up soon she hasn't eaten anything today yet!" beth said to katie, who looked worried. beth knew that katie still beat herself up about the whole incident, and although she was in the wrong in that moment, she hadn't meant any harm, and she could stop being so hard on herself now. tally had forgiven her, and now she just had to forgive herself.

Leah went over to the kitchen and got out ingredients for avocado and eggs on some bread to have as her late lunch, beth had eaten with viv, and Katie wasn't hungry she still felt majorly hungover. Tally couldn't have that, tho. She was allergic to avocados, but to be honest, she thought they were pretty manky anyway. She was fine with it being in the house, tho as long as the girls washed their cutlery bowls and hands well after eating it. All the girls were careful around her with them, and when leah got out the avocados, she got out the berries for tally and gave her 2 slices of bread. She made herself some peanut butter toast with honey on with a cut-up and peeled pear and some raspberries and strawberries on the side. She was much happier with that than with eggs or avocado. She was always the more delicate sister growing up, having asthma being underweight, and having allergies to things like avocado, latex, and sesame seeds. Her mother often made fun of her for it, and she usually just didn't tell people she was allergic. It was a problem admittedly, but you know she's still alive, so nothing has gone too wrong yet.

Tally actually hadn't told any of the girls that she was allergic, but one day, a slightly unfortunate incident involving something having sesame seeds in and tally ate it not realising. After a quick little stabby stabby of the epi-pen she was alright but she traumatised daan viv beth lotte and leah. So then she had to make a list of her allergies and give them to the girls so it wouldn't happen again. As you could probably imagine, Katie had lots of jokes to make about her allergy to latex it was a good laugh.

tally came out of her room pretty soon after leah had begun to make the food and said she was hungry. she went over to beth and gave her a hug, needing comfort and closeness for a while. leah made her the peanut butter and honey toast and put her fruit in a bowl and put them on the side. tally thanked her and sat down next to a very dead-looking Katie. "Bit of a hangover?" Tally said, smirking. slowly but surely she was becoming more confident again. it took her a while after incidents like that, but her personality shone through eventually, and beth was happy to see it. katie groaned and held her middle finger up at the kid. "I'm ill!" she said dramatically. tally raised her eyebrows at katie. "Your voice is... interesting!" she said. katie nodded and out her arms down on the table, looking forlorn. "do u need a hug?" she asked. Katie looked at her and nodded. she began to tear up. stupid illness and hangover. it was making her emotional. it was moments like these that really showed what a lovely human being tally really was. beth got a picture of it with Katie slightly crying in it. it was adorable and could also be used as blackmail. it was a win-win.

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