part 67

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Once they went into the room tally sat down and looked at kirsten wondering what she was going to say. 'Look sweetheart i know this isnt ideal for you and you were settled but you have to understand we are doing this because we love you!' kirsten said looking at the girl who guessed that she was going to be staying with emma for far longer than originally thought. 'We have reason to believe that you have certain images and videos being sold online which means you are at risk again and whilst we are doing everything we can to shut it down its proving to be a difficult task as everytime we manage to close one site another one pops up which is making it difficult!' kirsten explained slowly holding both of the girls hands as they sat opposite each other. Tally looked at her in disbelief. Not this bullshit again. 'Look talls we dont believe at this moment that these will be released to the public as given your public profile because of football that would be a major issue but currently we think its a small group spreading their own pictures and videos they have taken to each other of you and max aswell unfortunately!' kirsten said trying to break the news to her gently. Tally got up and groaned angrily. She kicked the wall out of frustration. 'I thought this was over and done with!' tally said pitifully. 'I know its disappointing talls but we are very certain that this isnt a wide breach of your information and it is contained and will hopefully not result in anything bad happening but you need to be on alert. Be wary and be safe!' kirsten warned the girl whilst still trying not to worry her. Tally looked at her and nodded.

After the long and very disappointing meeting with kirsten was done with the last thing she wanted to do was have a meeting with lorry and nancy but needs must apparently. She made her way back into the lunch hall with kirsten and she gave her a hug with kirsten kissing the top of her head softly and lightly ruffling her hair. 'Remember kid im always only a phone call away any sign of trouble call me immediately please!' kirsten said worrying about the kid thinking she can handle it all by herself. Tally nodded and said goodbye and then walked over to the girls. She was subdued and quiet but she tried not to let it show. She sat next to lotte and picked at her chicken and bacon salad she had grabbed mostly eating the bacon bits. She picked at it for a while before katie gently placed a hand on her knee. 'You okay kiddo?' katie asked worried about the girl who wasnt eating. Tally nodded. 'Yeah just was an intense meeting with kirsten looks like im not going to be allowed home anytime soon!' she said dejectedly still moving her food around her plate. Lotte looked at her worried. She needed to find out what was going on. There was definitely something behind her having to be somewhere else.

The girls all looked at ehr worried. She brushed it off and just kept picking at her lunch. She checked her phone hoping it was time for her meeting. She looked at smiled softly seeing she had a message from jess as well as a ton of messages from her other friends. She checked the time of the meeting and saw it was at 1 and it was currently 5 minutes till 1 so she was not going to stick around for the extra 5 minutes of tense silence. She smiled at the girls before getting up and grabbing her plate. 'Ive got to get to another meeting with nancy and lorry now so im gonna head to the meeting room!' she said softly smiling at the girls trying to show them she was fine. She wasnt but she needed to at least pretend not only for the girls but for herself if she pretended to be fine she could be fine right. They all felt concerned and knew something was going on they just didnt know what was up but didnt want to pry.

Tally smiled at them again and then walked off dumping her food into the bin and walking over to the where the meeting room is. She walked in and sat down on the table knowing she was a couple of minutes early. A few moments later lorry and nancy walked in chatting and waved at her glad to see she was there. She waved back. She decided she was going to act like the previous talk had never happened. It wasnt her issue at that moment. She knew this was going to be a bit painful well potentially alot so she figured push one down you either have only 1 problems at that moment or even better none! Her reasoning could be better. But oh well it worked sometimes so thats something.

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