part 54

994 30 1

monday 15th 

tw sh, abuse

Tally woke up and sighed feeling the pain in her ribs and stomach. She got up looking at her phone and seeing she had been sent some photos. she put her headphones on and put music on as loud as she could making sure that people wouldnt talk to her and if they did she couldnt hear them so it wasnt her problem.She angrily ignored it and grabbed some clothes and got changed out of her pyjamas in the bathroom. she took off her top after making sure the door was well and truly locked and looked at the sorry state of her stomach. she saw the intense purple bruising covering her stomach and ribs she pulled her top up further and saw the 5 small round purple bruises on her boob where he had grabbed it. she sighed. she hadnt looked like this since she lived with her mother 3 months ago. she then saw the bruises on her arms where he had grabbed her. crap that would be harder to hide. she groaned at the thought of having to cover all this up. it would be impossible to cover up over her scars. she just had to hide it. make sure no one looked at her stomach or her top rode up. she just had to be even more careful than usual. 

she knew who to call. she had two options charlie who she had known for years and she trusted with her life, the one who had picked her up off the floor time and time again who had been with her through everything but she might tell max which would fuck everything up. or brooke. she was 2 years older than her but was in the same year as tally because she moved countries so was behind. she had know her for a good 8 or 9 years and who knew what having fucked parents was like she just understood her and she wouldnt tell anyone but she just didnt quite get the whole picture. she decided brooke was the safest bet for now anyway. she left the bathroom and saw that she was meant to be at breakfast in 20 minutes but lucy had already gone and she sighed in relief. 

she locked the door sat down on her bed. she facetimed brooke her hands shaking as she did it. brooke picked up straight away. "hey bitch nice to talk to you again!" brooke said smiling at her until she saw tallys bottom lip begin to quiver. "brooke!" she wobbled her emotions shining through. "woah T whats going on babe?" she asked worried about one of her closest friends. "its happening again the hitting but its not its not its... its dc!" she said trying not to start ugly crying again. brooke mouth opened. "oh i am going to kill him, string him up and cut him into tiny little peics that absoloute prick! are you ok how are you doing?" brooke said very worried about her best friend. tally shrugged "im ok other than the bruises i mean mentally i could be better but footballs helping you know and all the girls here are trying to help but none of them know about him they cant i have to keep going back to him its a rule a sheila rule!" she said sadly

brooke sighed and rubbed her head. it didnt surprise her who it was that was hurting her. he had always been a bit of a perv with the girls. "has he done anything else?" she asked worried about what else he was doing to her. she had heard rumours. about him. and his actions. extra special just for girls actions. and she did not want tally experiencing any more of that. ever. tally shook her head thankfully he was yet to do that. she assumed ti was going to happen at some point tho. 

"oh thank god for that how bad is it T can you show me please i need to know if your ok. tally was apprehensive she didnt want to have to show her weakness not to anyone even brooke. she knew that she just wanted to know if she was ok tho. and she trusted her. she nodded. slowly she took of her hoodie and then her top. brooke gasped at the sight of her best friend whole stomach and torso. "oh T jesus thats bad!" she said worried for her girl. 

"i know it really fucking hurts!" she said lightly pressing on a bit of the bruising and winsing at the pain. brooke sighed. "T you should get them checked out they look bad... but i know your not going to do that so just be careful yeah be safe!" she said to her bestie she just knew her too well. tally nodded and put her england tops on. "how are you doing B?" tally asked eager to not talk baout her. brooke smiled at her softly.

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