part 40

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Sunday 6th

After their triumphant win against United, they were looking forward to going out and having a good time. This time, tally was going with them.

They were on the bus, and the night out had been brought up. Katie had suggested that Tally came along. Leah was not impressed. She had pointed out that she wasn't exactly not used to drinking, and she had a bunch of fake ids, so age wasn't a problem. "Fale ids really your a kid. You're only just 16, for gods sake. A literal child!" Leah had exlaimed in shock when she found that out. "Christ leah I'm 16 not 12 anyway I get up with older siblings so I've been drinking since I was tiny and my papi introduced all of us to whiskey and vodka when we was like 5, somehow I think I will be fine. I live in a village. The only activity there is is getting absoloutlt hammered and high in a field!" She retorted, feeling like she was being babied. The girl looked shocked except for katie, who just sniggered. "5, really, that's a bit young, isn't it, and how long have you been getting drunk and high in a field?" Jill asked, unsure if that was a brutish thing or a tally thing. "Well technically it was legal cos you can drink from 5 on private property and I mean drinking probably since I was 12ish like out but like 8 at home my brother would give me his drinks to finish and so would my papi and getting high probably like 14 cos it was quite hard to get weed and stuff where as my parents were happy to give us alcohol!" She said in a very chilled voice internally, laughing at how surprised the girls looked. "Maybe it's a gen z thing and your all just too old to understand I mean no one has party's in houses anymore there in fields I mean the amount of times I've gotten drunk in a field is like massive its great unless there's poisoned ivy haha like what 2 years ago my sister once hooked up with this guy in poisoned ivy let me tell you she regretted that, i user it against her for months that i was smart enough to find a un poisonous Bush!" She said laughing, not fully realising how much she had said. Leah quickly said, "Really calling us old, that's just rude and hooking up in a field. Well, that's just genius!". Tally looked at them confused. "How many of you grew up in villages?" She asked. A few people raised their hands, including beth. "And your telling me you have never ever gotten drunk in a field or hooked up in a field I mean ots not like i can do anything remotely un pg at home I have little sisters can't be that much of a bad influence!" She said half jokingly.

Beth looked at her and laughed. "Well, maybe I have done both, but that's not the point. I wasn't 12 when I was drinking, and 13 when I was having sex in a field, I was 16!" Beth said, laughing so hard. Tally shrugged, not really caring. "Well all my mates live in the village and we all love drinking so it's a win win but my twin sister is in my friend group so it does mean we have both hooked up with like the same 4 boys which is a bit interesting but oh well, anyway I only hook.up with 1 guy now Harry he's my best mate and has been fir years!" Tally said, enjoying watching their reactiosn to the drama. "Oh, so you got a friends benefits thing going on or like going out?" Asked viv in slightly broken English. Tally looked at her and shrugged. "Nah, just mates who hook up occasionally when we are bored!" Tally said.

This is just making me think of the recent eastenders scene where Lily, who's 12, tells her mum she's pregnant cos she hooked up with a guy cos they were bored hahahahah

Katie had been laughing her way through this whole conversation. She loved how carefree the kid was about talking about it. It was properly funny. "So just to confirm, we are going out with the tiny menace over here as I really think I need to see her drink!" Katie said, laughing still. Tally nodded eagerly. "I mean, she is 16, and we can't really stop her!" Jordan justified. "But she's just a little baby, and do we really want to get her drunk she's so tiny!" Leah said, worried about the kid. "Rude, I'm 16, not a baby, and have you seen esme drink cos I'm like her but better. She's been training me since I was 11!" She said, feeling but annoyed to be called a baby. "I've seen esme drink she's like a machine honestly she drank a whole bottle of vodka before she got drunk!" Lotte confirmed. Tally nodded, laughing thinking about all the times they had gotten drunk together. Leah finally agreed and tally cheered along with the other girls.

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