part 8

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They were all sat on the sofas and a few on the floor as they tried to get to know tally and luckily they all knew to not call her Tallulah as they had been told not to by leah via text earlier. when lia asked esme why she was there she wasn't sure what to say so she very vaguely said "oh I'm just umm I'm visiting leah and beth because I hadn't seen them in a while?" she hadn't said it very convincingly and it was quite obvious she was lying but before Jen could ask more questions they were all called over to the sofas for some bonding. there wasn't enough room for them all on the sofas so Katie was sat on ruesha Jordan was on beths lap as she was a tiny human, and tally was on leahs trying to calm herself down. esme discreetly put her hand on Tally's bouncing knee knowing she was nervous. "should we play truth or dare?" asked Jen trying to break the silence that had descended. leah looked at the kid with a questioning look on her face. that incident had brought them closer, leah understood her facial expressions and little signs and vice versa. tally nodded feeling unsure. 

"Steph truth or dare?" asked Jen not wanting to start with the nervous-looking teen. "umm truth!" said the Australian. Jen opened her mouth to speak and then shut it again "wait are we going pg truth or dare or proper?" her Scottish accent coming on thick. tally scoffed and said "I'm 16 not 10 I don't think it needs to be pg!" while laughing as the others joined in beth giving her a pat on the back "the kids got a point there beattie!" beth laughed at the also laughing jen. "okay so truth for steph hmm okay when was the last time you cried!" steph looked at her and burst out laughing. "cheers jen appreciate you taking the chance to make fun of my 'sensitivity' as you call it.... umm probably oh yesterday because I dropped my spoon and the dog licked it so I had to wash it again which was completely justified reason for crying!" defended steph as jen and the others laughed at her. "yeah sure you keep telling yourself that!" replied jen light heartedly. then it was stephs turn to ask the questions "okay Tally truth or dare?" she asked as tally said "truth" not sure how the dares where doing to be so wanted to see someone else do one. "hmmm okay what football team do you support!" asked steph as beth rolled her eyes and laughed knowing the answer. "well it depends on who I'm with because my family is split, most of us including me are proper city fans but then my sister and my aunts are arsenal/brighton as its the localish team so it can get a bit heated haha even national teams is difficult because I'm a only a quarter english so everyone supports different countries!" explained tally surprising herself with how confident she sounded. 

"see the atrocity shes a city fan I don't know how I will ever cope!" said beth dramatically as she pulled tally into her and ruffled her hair. the girls laughed at this and tally joined in. leah hugged her as she wrapped her arms around her stomach keeping her on her lap as tally leaned back into her getting comfortable. esme squeezed her hand knowing despite it being one of her favourite topics it was also one of the hardest for her to talk about, it was then tallys turn to ask someone so she decided esme would be easiest as she knew her a lot more than anyone else. "esme truth or dare?" asked tally smiling mischievously. esme getting a bad feeling about doing a dare from her baby sister went with the truth. "okay then wuss who a person you miss playing with?" tally asked laughing at esme avoiding dares as she had been known to do some bad dares before. "umm I miss playing junior levels with you but probably playing for the under 17s at my youth team with henry my boyfriend and best friend at the time!" esme said not thinking as she wanted to answer the question honestly. as soon as she said it she cursed her self for opening her big mouth, tally looked at her not sure what to do or how to respond to that. "aww that's cute are you still friends with henry?" asked Jordan so painfully oblivious to the awkward silence that had swept the room as soon as tally had heard it as she just sat there tears brimming as the look of guilt swept over esme bringing a hand to her mouth as she said it. tally couldn't cry in front of all these people. she wouldn't. 

she excused herself by shakily saying "I'm just going to put something a bit warmer on it's a bit chilly!" as she rushed out of the room to her room. esme swore to herself. leah got up and followed her as she knew something was up with her. "wait I'm confused whos henry?" asked Jordan still completely oblivious to the situation. esme sighed knowing she was stupid to bring it up, but pretty much everyone in city knew so she wasn't used to having to hide it. "he was my best friend since we were like born and dated since we were about 15 and our parents were good friends so we always played football together for the same team until we were like 17 when I got scouted by city, he died almost a year ago while we were still dating, it was 2 weeks before our 4 year anniversary. he was tallys brother so it's a sensitive topic that she doesn't like to talk about but quite a lot of people in city know so I forget to not talk about it sometimes!" explained esme looking guilty. meanwhile, tally made it to her room angrily hitting her pillow, she didn't think that she would have said anything how could she, she knew that she couldn't cope with those emotions about him, she hadn't processed his death properly and she knew that she had been too busy trying to help her little siblings too. 

she opened the draw quickly getting her little black bag out. She opened it and just looked at the contents she got a blade out when leah burst into her room and grabbed it out of her hand and put it into the bin. She hugged the girl and they sat down on h34 bed. "I didn't think she would talk about him I hadn't prepared for it!" She sobbed "He was my brother and now he's dead I try not to think about it ever it makes it easier to push it down and not appear weak but I just wasn't ready for him to be mentioned I let it get to me!" looking at her arms as she took off her thin hoodie putting on a thicker older hoodie with O'Sheere on it. she got up and wiped her eyes took a deep breath and exited the room. leah looked at her not expecting her abrupt departure of her, she grabbed the little black bag and put it into her pocket deciding to deal with it later. she had pushed it down even further. leah went out and followed her letting the girl sit down on her again knowing she was hurting inside she just couldn't feel like she could let anyone see the weakness, or what she viewed as a weakness.

i actually quite like this chapter for once because we get to see a little bit into esme and tallys relationship and see leah struggle with not being able to help her

comment ideas xx

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