part 23

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tally snuggled into beth as they sat on the bed together next to Jordan and Leah who were just looking at tally concerned. "I'm sorry but you heard what she said what she thinks about me, she thinks I'm a whore that abandoned her family but I'm not I'm not!" tally cried softly to beth so only she could hear. beth sighed sadly and looked at Leah and Jordan with an obvious look of worry on her face. "darling I know how much you care about your family and so do they your brother especially I've seen how much they matter to you, we all have! and just because you slept with 2 people in 1 day certainly doesn't make you a whore kid and you had a traumatic day when it happened, shes obviously is going through something kid, I'm sure she didn't mean it she is probably just lashing out because she's hurt and afraid of losing you too!" beth said quietly to the crying teen. 

she knew that phone call was going to end badly, she knew it. she saw the state of mind in tally after it. she should have told someone she should have been there when tally hurt herself. why wasn't she here? beth looked up blinking her eyes trying to stop the tears of guilt and sadness fall down her face, she didn't want tally to see. tally was scrolling on her phone going through her photos needing to relive her happy moments with her siblings when some texts came through. "you put the dumb bitch in blonde!". she rolled her eyes and just sent 2 of the middle finger emojis to her twin. she didn't understand why she was being so mean to her. they used to be so close. never as close as her and braedy or her and henry but they were close especially considering they were triplets but it was always bridge and max and tally who was left by the sidelines. she was 2nd born but she was the smallest by far and had to be in an incubator for a few months so she was catching up to her sisters in height, size, development and bond but she could never quite catch up. she was however the smartest of the triplets and her sisters used to tease her about that. she was always the target for teasing. they would call her runt.

tally turned on Disney plus and readjusted herself in Beth's arms so she was more on top of her. beth was safe and secure and was actually very comfortable. she decided on criminal minds. it was something she had started watching when she was in lockdown with henry and Esme. she loved watching it and although it was a bit gory and scary it was really interesting. she turned it on and began to watch it as she rested her head on berths chest. Beth soothingly rubbed Tally's back as she focused on the TV show. 

Jordan went up to where tally and beth were sat on the bed and sat next to them she moved tally so was sat on both of them slightly so that Jordan could see the screen while Leah sat next to beth and just held tallys hand wanting to be there for the girl but not knowing how.

beth got a message on her phone from Leah but tally couldn't see it. "what happened?" she asked hoping that beth would text her back why. she didn't want her to betray her trust but she needed to know so she could help her. she had to be able to help her. beth looked at her and could see the worried and afraid look in her eyes and knew that she could tell her some of it without revealing too much. "she got in a very angry argument with the remaining triplet and it was bad. really bad. she got called all sorts names like horrible ones and she accused tally of abandoning her family!" she texted back. she saw Leah immediately look at her with shock in her eyes. beth nodded feeling a similar thing when it happened.

they stayed like that until 6 when Viv came in wanting to see where beth was as it was dinner time. "hey love its dinner time are you coming down now?" Viv asked after taking a photo of the 4 girls all cuddled up on the bed watching tv as she thought it was cute, especially with tally on beth. beth stroked Tally's hair softly looking at her to ask if she was okay to go downstairs. tally nodded and got up forgetting she was still in just a sports bra and shorts with a blanket. Suddenly she realised that Viv could fully see her scars and all. She looked like a dear in headlights. She was frozen, she didn't know what to do next. Leah acted quickly realising what was happening and grabbed one of the many many long sleeve tops that tally owned and quickly put it on over her head helping her to put her arms through it. Tally looked at Viv worriedly not knowing what she was thinking while she held on to Leah's hand tightly.

Viv looked at beth looking aghast. Beth looked at her sorrowfully. Viv looked at the kid who was looking scared at her reaction. Viv went over to tally and pulled her into the hug. This was quite unusual for the dutch woman she wasn't the best known for showing affection as beth knew all too well. Not in a bad way though she had grown fond of the way her girlfriends way of being. Viv broke the hug and stroked the girl head kissing the girl on the top of her head. "I'm not judging you jochie!" She said affectionately to the young girl. The girls had all grown so fond of her already and they were worried about her especially after the last training session and the way that the kid had been gone for 3 days and daan had given her some info on what had happened but not much.

"Thanks!" Tally said appreciatively. She loved how much the girls were being protective of her now, she loved that they weren't judging her or forcing her to do anything that made her uncomfortable. They made her feel safe and that Hadn't happened in a while. Hadn't happened since when henry since her dad...

She put on some old navy nike joggers she had gotten as hand me downs from henry years and years ago that she had never ever grown out of on and redid the messy ponytail her notty curly hair was in and they walked downstairs. Well the women walked and tally got a piggy back from jordan. She was still not feeling her best mentally and being close to the girls made her feel safe and not as on edge. What her sister had said really hit her hard and caused her to really think about what her actions could be causing for her siblings.

She was feeling pretty hungry for once probably from the intense crying session and how hard she went at the training session. She got down from jordans back but stayed holding onto at least one of the girls now including vivs hand while they went and got food. She opted for plain tomato pasta with bacon bits for her protein and a thing of berries and while she was choosing the girls had all gone off in different directions to get different foods except viv who's hand tally grabbed straight away after leah let to off her hand to grab something after giving it a supportive squeeze. Viv looked surprised when tally held onto her hand as she knew the kid did it when she needed to feel a bit more comfort in a situations she found difficult. To be honest viv was shocked that the kid could do that with her. She guessed it was because of the way she handled seeing her arms and she was happy that the kid could trust her.

She held onto the kids hand harder and pulled her in to gently ruffle her hair. They made their way over to a table and joined leah and Jordan who had already sat down. Beth was still picking her food with jen and steph and then they made their way over to them as well.

Jen shot a look at the kid wondering how she was. She could tell from certain behaviours how the girl was doing. In a place that wasn't training but was with people she was always holding onto one of the girls hand so she guessed the girl was nervous and anxious. Beth had spoken to her while they were getting their food saying "can you try and speak to tally at some point I think you can help her the best at the moment, her little sister has cancer and you understand cancer better than anyone because there's more than she's letting on with the whole cancer thing but I'm not sure what!" That was a lie Beth knew what was going on but she couldn't say that jen because she had promised not too so she would let the kid tell jen herself if she wanted too. Jen had agreed and planned to talk to leah about when she thought was best to do it.

Leah had taken a cute picture of tally on Jordan earlier and was showing it to Jordan when they came and sat down and leah quickly made a story on Instagram with the caption why walk when you can get a piggy back. She didn't tag tally for obvious reasons and she knew the kid wanted to be as private as possible but tagged Jordan hoping it wouldn't cause too much of an up roar with all the die hard fans of them being shipped. She had obviously checked with tally about whether she was okay for her picture to be put on her story and she had agreed.

Hope you like this chapter
Once again the ending is not my favourite but I like the start
Is there any scenarios any one wanted to see happen cos I kinda plan events and then build chapters between them haha snd I'm not sure what to do after the next few chapters
Leave comments and I really appreciate all the support
Not sure what arsenal are doing with their transfers but doesn't seem to be targeted in the right areas
Also I love that leah told everyone about her endo as a fellow sufferer I think it's really important for the visibility especially in sport and that article was absolutely amazing
Lots of love xxx

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