part 61

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Keira had ended up having to gently coax leah downstairs. She could tell the captain was feeling very very fragile at that moment. Leah took a shaky breath and walked into the reception while they waited for everyone else. Leah quickly made her way onto the coach puting her headphones on trying to drown everything out. She couldnt cope with the failure she felt.

Meanwhile tally went into the changing room at the stadium and dumped her bag on her cubby. She sat down and rested her head in her hands turning her music up trying to tune out her nerves albeit unsuccessfully. She felt someone put her hand on her knee and she looked up her heart dropping slightly. The nerves were really messing with her. She saw sarina bend down infront of her rubbing her hands on her knees. 'Are you ok tally?' she asked softly. Tally looked at her and swallowed trying to ignore the feelings she was feeling. The urge to relapse was so strong but she could definitely not tell anyone that. Especially sarina she could stop her from playing and tally couldnt let that happen. This was her opportunity she wasnt going to loose it just cos she was too stupid to resist her stupid bloody urges. 'Its just nerves it will all be gone by the time i get the kit on its just ive never played in front of this many people ever and its scary!' tally said quietly as she saw the girls looking at her some looking worried. Particularly leah. Maybe she should of forgiven the older woman. But she had broken her trust.

But she only wanted what was best for her right tally felt conflicted. She knew that leah was her host parent so she was going to have to forgive her at some point but she was so hurt by the way she had been spoken to when she was so obviously very upset. It made her feel like maybe leah didnt know her and understand her as well as she thought.

'Well aslong as your sure your okay and im hoping you would tell me or someone if you werent okay tally but just relax yeah breath through the nerves dont let them control you, we all know what a great footballer you are you just need to have faith in yourself like we do!' sarina said trying to reassure the younger girl. Tally looked up and connected eyes with sarina and nodded hoping her eyes werent giving her away. Sarina saw the pain in her eyes and she knew something else was going on but she want sure what and now was not the time to talk to her about that. She knew that playing tally was a good idea and that deep down tally was ready and was definitely going to be an amazing asset to the team but she was worried. From what leah had told her she was worried about how tally could cope with this and she knew that lots was going on during this moment with her unstable home life but leah had reassured her it was a good idea but sarina wasnt sure. She knew she was talented enough but she wasnt sure if she was going to be able to cope with this. She just had to trust in tally and in the team to support her and prepare her for this.

She nodded and gave the girls hands a squeeze smiling at her before standing up and letting sandy sit down next to the girl and wrap her arm around her trying to reassure her. Tally took a deep breath and stood up as the girls got prepared to go walk around the pitch before warm up and getting changed. Sandy hugged tally kissing the top of her head reassuringly before they made their way out. As they walked out tally looked around in awe at walking around the stadium. It was an incredible stadium it was absolutely massive. She looked around her mouth open in shock making beth laugh who came up and hugged her lightly knowing she was still nervous. 'Its amazing playing in places like here isnt it!' beth said remembering her first time of playing in a big stadium. There was just nothing like it, it was such a wonderful experience that almost nothing could ever top. They walked around for a bit chatting about random things as they made their way round beth, jordan and lotte just trying to keep tallys mind off of the nerves she was feeling for her debut.

After the walk they went into the changing room to get changed into the warm up gear with tally getting changed in the bathroom as always not wanting to be exposed to the girls any more than she already had been. They made their way out to the pitch watching belgium about to start warming up it really sunk in for tally. The nerves were now mainly gone and replaced with the excitement and the anticipation of playing against belgium. FOR ENGLAND. The warm up went smoothly and tally was very switched on and warmed up well reassuring arina she made the right choice in not taking her off the game plan.

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