part 65

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Once the tour finished tally and kirsten left the house but not before harry had given her a big hug and nervous asked 'you are definitely going to come back right?' to which tally nodded and rubbed his back. 'Dont worry im definitely coming back!' she said reassuring him. He smiled at her and she hugged braedy and smiled at emma briefly but couldnt bring herself to do anything else. It was a 5 minute drive and it was actually quicker to walk but she was happy for the drive. 'So sweetheart emma says you have to be home by 11 and its now what 6 so thats a good amount of time, now have you eaten and will there be food there so you can soak up all that alcohol that i know you will be drinking!' kirsten said in a parenty voice that made tally laugh. 'Come on 11 thats so unfair and yeah there will be pizzas and shit there so dont worry!' tally said reassuring the woman who look at her raising her eyebrows not quite believing her. She didnt have the best track record. 'Are you going to be good going to the flat by yourself?' kirsten asked knowing it was difficult seeing people you had been taken away from. 'Yeah ill be fine i mean im gonna see them almost everyday anyway!' tally pointed out and kirsten. Kirsten nodded and smiled at her sotly. 'If you need anything any time you know where i am ok and ill see you friday !' kirsten said as they pulled up to the flats and stopped the car. 'Okay cool cool i will see you friday and kirsten, thanks for everything!' tally said before getting out of the car and shutting the door.

She took a deep breath and waved at kirsten before entering the code into the door and letting herself into the flat block. She got her keys out of her coat pocket and opened the door and immediately katie came to door and looked at her surprised to see her. She immediately engulfed her in a hug and hugged her harder than ever. 'We wasnt expecting you short stuff!' she said happily. 'Girls look whos here!' she said excitedly. Well basically shouted. There was a scurry of feet running towards the door and she saw hald the arsenal squad making a beeline for her. She laughed and took time to see them all but didnt answer any questions. She just couldnt be dealing with it. Not today, she was going out to a party and she was actually looking forward to it.

She saw viv lingering at the back waiting for the girl to come to her so she wouldnt feel so crowded. She waled over to viv and gave her a massive hug. She was going to miss basically living with the woman. She was one of the smartest people she new ot was so nice living with her she didnt want to only see at football. Viv wrapped her amrs around the girl as she attached herself to the tall woman. After about a minute tally detached herself from viv and made sure she had hugged lia and lotte aswell. 'So im going out in like 30 minutes and i have to get changed but im gonna come back tomorrow cos i will have to grab all my school stuff and clothes and shit cos davina and kirsten said its looking like it will be longer than a couple of weeks but i mean i may not end up with emma, thats my new foster mums name which is fun kind of well not really but yeah i may end up just going back to kirstens depends on the situ how safe i am cos thats why i got moved to a secure placement cos my psycho stepdad got out of prison!' she expalined well kinf of rambled but without going into the specifics of everything that had gone wrong her her. Everything that man had done to her.

Meanwhile in the car kirsten was on the phone. She had driven for a few moments before pulling in and phoning up davina. 'Hey, i think your right its a good idea, its a go can u organise it all yourself or do u need my help because of the school and stuff?' she said to the woman over the phone.

Back at the apartment tally had gone into her room and she looked around. This time tomorrow she would be ripping the place she had finally felt safe apart. It kind of broke her a bit. Well alot. She heard a knock on the door which brought out of the trance with a jolt. 'Come in!' she said wondering which girl it was. She saw katie come in and sit on the bed next to her. 'Im going to miss you being in the flat!' she said sadly. She loved having the kid around. 'Im gonna be round all the time and ill be staying over if we get back late or leave early and davina said i can stay here whenever i want as long as i check in with emma the new foster parent and like actually stay at the foster home for the majority of the time but i mean i dont mind massively cos braeden my brother is there to so its at least nice to see him!' she explained to the irish woman. Katie nodded listening intently to what she was saying. 'At least we will all see you at arsenal oh yeah is it cos of you the timetable has changed?' she asked wondering if that was why the trainings had changed times.

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