part 56

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it was now common knowledge that something had happened. i mean sarina beth lucy lotte and tally hadnt gone to training so it was noticable. some of them knew something was up with tally like the city girls that esme had talked to so it had gotten around. none of them knew what it was but some had more ideas than the others. alessia had been worried and it had thrown her off her game a bit and mary had noticed. mary had pulled her aside after training and softly asked her if she was ok. alessia was ok but she was just worried about what was going on she didnt know why loads of people were gone and it stressed her out. mary understood this and knew how anxious lessie could get when she there was potentially something going on with some of her teammates. she had given herself the task of distracting and cheering up alessia and it had been going quite well but mary could still tell something was off. alessia felt immense relief when she saw that tally was ok but she definitely noticed the days worth of crying effects on her face. although she looked happy it was still obvious that she had been crying. nobody said anything, they knew better. beth sat down next to mary and tally sat in between beth and alessia just as the movie was about to start.

it was at that point almost 6 oclock so almost dinner time and tally was not feeling it. had she eaten all day no she had not but she didnt care, she just wasnt feeling it. she relaxed into beth more resting her head on beths chest as beth wrapped her arm around the small girl. alessia looked at the girl and noticed beth watching her watch tv looking obviously nervous for the girl.

she knew dinner was at 7 on the dot so at 5 to 7 she disapeared off to the toilet making a quick exit knowing she would not be returning until diner was well and truly done she went up to her room and just flopped on her bed. sandy who had also been leaving to go change into something warmer noticed her disapear into her room and knocked on it gently. tally said come in just loud enough for her to hear. she was surprised to see sandy at the door. "hey sands!" she said as sandy came and sat down next to the girl just lying in her bed. "talls are you avoiding dinner by any chance?" sandy asked gently. tally looked down not meeting sandys eyes knowing she had been caught out. "how did you know?" she asked gently. sandy smiled softly and brought her face up to face hers. "sweetheartn i mean this in the best way poossible but its pretty obvious, you disapeered 10 minutes before dinner started and we havent seen you all day or seen you at lunch, anyone who knows the whole eating disorder thing noticed kiddo, you were sat next to a certain united player who looked particually worried when you left!" sandy revealed.

tally finally looked at her. "oh!" she murmurmed. she looked ashamed and sandy saw the tears in her eyes. she quickly hugged the girl makint sure to let the girl know she didnt have anything to be ashamed about. "how about you get changed into something a bit warmer i can see you shivering and then we go downstairs and you sit with me or one of the other girls and just see if you can eat something, i know that you havent eaten anything today kiddo and you need to get something in you so why dont you put on some joggers and we head down to get some food just a little bit you need sustenance i think we both know you probably wont have breakfast tomorrow and thats ok but you need to eat something we have training tomorrow kid and assuming you are doing it and if u dont eat kid you could pass out and you wont be able to play aswell!" sandy said trying as hard as she could to convince the girl to eat. tally looked at her and deliberated for a bit. she nodded apprehensively. sandy hugged the girl proud of her for agreeing to go get something to eat with her. tally got up and went and grabbed a pair of joggers out of her suitcase and headed off into the bathroom, she pulled on her england joggers after shutting the door. she looked at her thighs briefly sighing at the reopened wounds she had caused earlier.

she touched them gently hissing in pain. "fuck!" she gently whispered to herself as she pulled on her black england joggers feeling the material rub against the open wounds. she pulled her top up slightly looking at the bad bruises on her stomach she sighed as she remembered the events of that night momentarily taking her back to that dark place. she was quickly taken out of that place when she heard a knock on the bathroom door. "you ok in their tally?" she heard sandy say with a hint of worry that she was quite obviously trying to hide. tally hurriedly pulled her top down and took a deep breath composing herself before replying as happily as she could "yeah just coming!" wincing when she heard the shake in her voice.

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