Chapter 03

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Weeks passed…….at first Jevan didn't want to make them live in his house but he also understood Lay's situation even though he had the money it was too a hassle to find a place at that hour, while in Dane's case, Jevan just let him without any reason because he knew Dane will bother him to death if he won't agree from what he wants.

It's already 11 in the morning Jevan is currently preparing food in the kitchen and Dane is sitting at the counter using his phone. He always likes that because he doesn't want to be alone while Lay is outside calling his other friends to find a source for a job they will apply for.

"Dane, what are you eating?" Jevan asked him to stop what he was doing when he noticed that Dane was eating unfamiliar things in his eyes but from seeing Dane he loved what he was chewing.

Dane raises his gaze to Jevan "Seaweed why? You still didn't try to eat this?" Dane asked him to raise the one pack he opened and offer it to Jevan.

Jevan gets it from him and tries one before he nods many times "You love eating this?" Jevan asked and Dane nodded at him after that they continued what they were doing.

While on Lay's side, he's now standing outside waiting for someone who will answer.

"Hello man," they finally answer.

"Hello, I want to ask about the job. Is there anyone who can accept us?" He asked in a serious tone. He wants to find a job to have money to make his father regret what he did to him.

Until now he can't understand them. He knew it was his fault for what happened but his father chose to push him away from the house rather than understand him. He is always doing this for his family, comparing him to his brother at every family gathering and he had enough even though his mom is there she still can't help him.

"Man, why do you want to find a job? Yes, Uncle — reprimand you but you still have money to live right?" he said on the phone making Lay sign.

"My friend needs a job. He needs money for their expenses and we're living here with him, I can't take the guilt if I stay here for free he already doesn't have parents and raising his brother alone, and now we're expelled because of my plan and I already feel guilty…. It's my fault in the first place so please help me to find agency." he said. His cousin on the other line was stunned but after a minute he finally sighs, finally surrendered.

"Ok fine I can't find a job in our agency because I know Uncle already called my dad, so I'll find a connection to our agency and find a job for the three of you." Lay finally signed from relief.

"Thank you, Lance, I appreciate it," he said, after that, they said goodbye to each other. Lay decided to enter the house after that and look for Jevan and Dane.

"Guys I already called my cousin to find us a job and he said he will help us, I just need to wait for his feedback in a week," Lay said when he entered the kitchen. From his voice, he already caught Jevan and Dane's attention

Lay walked toward the counter sat beside Dane and grabbed the seaweed in his hand that made Dane frown at him but he didn't complain.

Jevan smiles at him. He was grateful because his friend has connections in this matter.

"By the way Jevan, you have work today?" Dane asked. Jevan finishes cooking and makes Dane and Lay stand. They start preparing the table. Lyndon is still at his school and he will go home later at 3:00 pm.

"What is this?" Dane and Lay asked for the meal while looking at it.

"It's a Filipino dish called Nilagang baboy or boiled pork soup.
—" Even Jevan still didn't finish speaking. The two rush to eat making him stunned but he sits beside Lay.

'What? They didn't even let me don't speak' Jevan said inside his mind.

Now they start eating and all of them are quiet until they finish. After that they split the task, Dane and Lay were the ones who did the dishes while Jevan was the one who arranged the chair and swept the floor.

When they were all done they decided to go to the living room to watch TV Jevan's working hours are from 7:00 pm until 10 pm and he's the one who will close the shop. It's a convenience store.

"Guys look at this." Dane got Jevan and Lay's attention, their eyes got away from the TV before they moved a little bit to get close to Dane.

Dane points to something on his phone and makes them look at it. "Murder cases again? I saw many of these also. The detective said they found a strange thing inside their body. It's like a capsule with one bid." Jevan and Lay got stunned by what they heard and looked at the body.

"Beeds? Why do they need to put something like that? For what? They just make the detective find them," Lay said. Jevan still not giving his thoughts about it kept staring at the photo where all the evidence was there.

"You're right," Dane agreed nodding to Lay.

"I think it's not what it looks like. What if they use that as a code they won't be caught because the police didn't say they got a DNA test for that thing right? It looks like they intended to put that without taking a risk." Lay and Dane look at each other. Jevan has a point and they can't deny it.

"Woah Jevan you suit this job," Lay said. Jevan's eyes looked down from it and that's the time when Lay realized what he said made Dane glare at him.

"You just keep reminding him that he won't be a detective, that he dreams from what you're saying," Dane whispers in anger.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it," he apologizes. Jevan can hear them but he doesn't bother to speak. He feels down when he keeps remembering that he won't get the dream job he wants. The reason why he is studying it...

"I can hear you guys." Jevan tried to make his voice energetic to make the two stop.

"Stop the topic, what hour is it now?" Jevan asked them. Lay looked at his watch.

"It's already 3:40. Wait Lyndon has still not arrived yet?" Jevan looks outside, he just realizes that time moves fast and he didn't even notice that Lydon was supposed to be at home at this hour.

"At this hour he is already here but why is he late?" Jevan worriedly asked. If he was already overthinking he couldn't help not to feel nervous.

"Jevan you're overthinking again what if his teacher let him stay for a bit because of something," Dane said, trying to calm him down. They already can read what emotion on Jevan's face from staying there for a week, they already notice how protective he is toward his little brother.

"That's right, so calm down." Jevan tries to calm down but he's still afraid, witnessing how their parents were killed. He can't take it if something happens to his brother, he only has him.

When Jevan finally calms down they wait again but two hours have passed and it's already 5 in the afternoon Lyndon still has not arrived. When Jevan can't take it anymore he rushes to get his phone to his room and call Lyndon'steacher.

After a few rings his teacher finally answered. "Hello, Mr.Allen?" The teacher said in the other line.

"Hello good afternoon teacher, is my brother already out of the school?" He asked at this hour if he knew there was still a teacher staying there.

"We already let the kids come home earlier. I want to talk to you about this. It's been a week since Lyndon didn't attend his class in the afternoon." Dane and Lay listen and look at each other while Jevan holds the phone tightly.

"I'm sorry that the thing is, Lyndon still didn't come home. I'm sorry for disturbing you." Jevan didn't let the teacher speak and he ended the call.

"What should I do?!" Jevan said. Inside he's panicking but outside he's still calm.

"Let's go outside, we'll find him," Dane said as he patted Jevan's shoulder and pulled him and Lay to go outside.

While Dane is pulling him, he can't help not to think about Lyndon again. 'What got into you, Lyndon?'

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