Chapter 04

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"Miss, did you see this child here?" Jevan asked the vendor near Lyndon School. It's been 2 weeks since he's been gone, Jevan couldn't sleep but when he was about to sleep it led him to a nightmare. He didn't know what to do anymore.

"No I'm sorry," she said after he looked at Jevan's phone where Jevan showed Lyndon photos. Jevan gave thanks and decided to go but before he was about to go next to the store to ask someone again the vendor shouted.

"Wait! I didn't recognize him earlier but I think I remember him, I always see him passing by here and the other day he was with a guy, I think his age is in his 30s." Jevan stood up properly before he turned around.

"Really? Thank you for the information I'll go now," he said before he rushed to get away from that place. All the things he thinks Lyndon

He knew he was kidnapped, they don't have any relatives that's why he knew it was if that guy had only been with him that day Lyndon was about to go home but no he's been missing for a f*cking 2 weeks.

While running he didn't notice his surroundings, he was going to the police station, he got there after 24 hours where Lyndon had gone but until now they didn't have any update about his brother or it's more like they ignoring it.

Jevan stops when someone holds his wrist making him stop running. He looks to someone who stops him.

"Dane..." he said. Dane let go of his hand before he grabbed the phone in his pocket and showed what was on his screen.

"I came to my brother's office to focus on finding your brother but they have been busy with the case of murder to the Red Mountain." Jevan looked to a location. He knew this place but it was not his focus.

"The vendor also told me that she saw Lyndon with a man he's the age of 30's, I'm sure that guy kidnapped him," he said. Both of them were clueless.

"Then we will ask again, we'll try to ask the parent of Lyndon's classmate—" Dane got interrupted when he sensed someone running toward them.

"GUYS!" Jevan and Dane look at Lay running toward them. Dane sighs before letting his guard down.

They wait for Lay to arrive and now he's gasping some air. "W-water." He grabbed the water in Dane's hand that was supposed to give to Jevan.

When Lay is finally done he throws the bottle into the trash can like shooting a ball on the ring. "What is it? Did you find something?"

"Yes. The thing is I don't know if it's related but this is what I heard from my brother when I tried to peek at him, he was talking to someone and said that there's a mountain that is full of murder cases, they have been seeing many corpses there last week and all of that body was missing month ago but the thing is the police avoiding that place because of some reason but I think my brother already notice the listening device that I put to his car so I didn't finish to listen what he was about to say." Jevan and Dane look at each other before Jevan grabs Dane's phone and looks at the place again.

"Mountain? It's that the red mountain we were talking about earlier?" Jevan said looking at the screen. Lay got closer to them. They searched for articles about the mountain and found something.

"Red Mountain is located to the wood city, next side of the river, it's been a ghost mountain since 20 years ago, everyone avoids it, it's called a red mountain because it's a slaughtered area that started to have a humour in 2002 even the citizen there avoiding that area." Some of that is detailed, what the size of the mountain and how tall is it but they didn't describe what is inside the woods.

"The only detail is the location," Lay said nodding understanding what was inside.

"But let's take a look we can find a clue if we go there," Jevan said after he closed the screen and gave back the phone to the owner.

"Ok, let's use my car," Dane said without hesitation and found the key to his bag.

"What?! Are you sure? You didn't hear it was a ghost mountain what if we will die?!" Lay shouted but Jevan and Dane didn't listen to him instead they walked toward Dane's car.

Lay shouted to get their attention but they didn't bother to look, they knew Lay was afraid again, "Ugh both of you if I get killed I will sue you!" Lay shouts before he finally runs toward Dane's car. While inside Jevan and Dane laugh at him.

Dane was the one who was driving while Jevan sitting in the passenger seat, Lay was lying on the back holding garlic. They didn't know where he got that.

"What are you holding?" Jevan asked when he looked at him.

"You didn't know what is garlic? I'm so disappointed in you Jevan Tsk tsk," he said while hugging it. Jevan glared at him and Dane laughed but he didn't look at them, he was still focusing on the road and looking at the waze.

"I know that f*cking asshole, what I'm saying why you're holding that? Are you about to cook to that mountain?" He sarcastically asked making Lay widen his eyes at him...

"It's a preparation! What if there's an element there? We can use garlic to push them away." Jevan and Dane's mouths hung open before both of them laughed. They just didn't complain about what Lay saying, It looked like he was already panicking even using not unrelated things from what they needed to do.


After 2 hours of travelling to their destination, they finally arrived and they needed to walk through the river.

When they arrive at the place there are many planks of wood but they look around and find a body. Lay just raised a garlic above his chest before singing a cross, he has been using the garlic while turning around to the place.

While in Dane's direction, he saw a cave and even got inside without fear but he just saw a small pond inside, nothing else.

Jevan also looked around but someone got his attention, there was a way to the one direction to make him look where Lay and Dane were.

"Guys, I saw a way," Jevan said getting their attention.

In a minute they walked toward him and they walked more toward a small way. They also tried because the road was muddy and many types of grass to the left and right sides.

"Guys, are you sure about this?" Lay said trying to pull Jevan and Dane who's in front and Jevan who's in the middle stops from walking.

"Lay we're already here, pull your ass up we're doing this for Lyndon," Dane said making Lay remember their purpose. After that, he stopped complaining but still held Jevan's shirt even though Jevan felt irritated he didn't complain because if he did Lay would not stop pestering him.

"I see a dead end," Dane said. Jevan and Lay also looked at it before they stepped out from what they walking.

Lay look around. "Guys we've been reached in the big rock?" He asked looking around. Dane and Jevan did it below where they were they could see the pull of trees, It's still part of the mountain but it's more like it's a cliff connected to the mountain.

"Lay be careful!" Jevan shouted when Lay was about to step on the rock. That part was the end of the mountain, cracked before completely collapsing.

Lay widened his eyes but couldn't move until he just felt Dane pull him harshly to his position until he stumbled on the ground.

"Ouch, can you do it a bit gentler? My butt hurt!" Lay complained. Jevan sighed before he checked again but there was a big rock that got his attention he slowly walked toward it and took a peek he didn't bother how Dane and Lay argued on the other side and put his all attention to what he was doing.

His mouth hung open and his eyes began to open wide when he saw a body lying on the end of the cliff. Almost half of his body was hanging and if it pushed a bit it would fall.

'W-what is t-this.'

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