Chapter 28

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The third day of solving the case. Until now they still didn't know any answer.

Jevan, Lay, and Dane stayed at the house looking around but then they couldn't already see something that's why they came out from there.

"Let's go to the address of the delivery guy, he's one of the suspects," Jevan said before he stood up from the sofa.

"Yeah," Lay and Dane agree after that they walk out of that house and straight to the car.

After a minute of driving they arrive at the flower shop. The same flower shop where they get the flowers to give to Alina.

They walked in and there they saw a man at the counter.

"What kind of flower do you want to buy? We can also arrange a bouquet for you you just need to pick what you want here," He said but Jevan didn't get the menu instead he looked at him straightly.

"We want to ask something," The guy's smile faded and his expression froze.

"What do you want?" He asked but the nervousness was visible in his voice.

Dane and Look at each other. "You're delivery guy Ruiz Williams right?" Lay asked. The guy's eyes widened. Dane noticed the guy got an alarm from them.

"Please calm down, we just want to ask!" Jevan said trying to calm him down.

"Ask anyway."

Jevan let out a photo of Merlis, the woman who died inside her house.

The guy looks into it. "She is now dead, so we want your cooperation now, you're one of the suspects because we found out you're the last person saw with her," Jevan explained. The guy got the photo and his hand started shaking.

"No... this can't be..." he whispered. Still staring at the picture Jevan, Lay and Dane wait for him to calm down.

After a few minutes, he finally came back to his senses before he looked back at them. "I was there because she didn't respond so I was peeking inside their window," he explained...

"Then why are you insisting to be the one who sent the parcel for her?" Dane asked. The guy looking to answer that question but later on, he let out a deep sigh.

"I was the one comforting her." Jevan's mouth hangs open. "After her husband stopped contacting her, I was there for her I just thought at first she was stressed but when the time I delivered the item again she started crying saying that her husband was cheating on her and she was receiving a death threat."

Jevan and others realize that same evidence they found out. "Did she know who sent that death threat?"

"No, she didn't know, she even stopped coming out from the house because she was afraid that if she went out there was someone who would stab her without her knowing."

Jevan, Lay, and Dane were still looking at the ceiling after they heard his statement they came back to the office and once again they let out the evidence they found out.

"You know I just feel like there's something odd about this..." Lay said. Now he already faces Jevan and Dae.

"What did you notice?" Jevan asked. Lay shook his head until now he just doubted everything.

"You know do you think someone is lying? Their statements didn't feel right," he said. Jevan also realised that but he didn't know why.

"Only us to find out. Open the recorder you just put in that man's clothes," Lay and Jevan looked at Dane.

"Hey, how did you notice that?" Lay asked even though Jevan didn't notice what Lay did.

"I'm amazing?" Dane said. Jevan and Lay glared at him after that and also brought out the voice recorder.

There they heard the sound of a woman and a man arguing inside the recorder.

Inside the big house, a woman is sipping her wine

"Tell me what did you do!" The man shouted while pointing at her.

"Well she deserves to die, so we can live together," she said after that she laughed out loud.

"You're crazy!" The man shouted.

Jevan, Dane, and Lay look at each other when many heavy things they hear that shamble into the ground after that the recorder gets cut.

"I think they notice it," Lay said after he closed his laptop.

Jevan stares at the ceiling thinking about everything. After a minute of silence, he suddenly stood up.

"Let's go!" At first, they do not know what running into Jevan's mind but later on, smiranuns into their faces they realize what is it.

They run toward the car and start the engine.

After a long minute of driving they arrived at the house again they saw the man sitting in front brushing his hair.

They decided to walk toward him. If the case keeps bothering them will finally come to an end.

"You should give a nice grave to your wife," Jevan said. The man looked up at them and saw them standing in front of him.

"What did you know?! That bitch kill my wife, he was the one treating her it's still my fault!" He shouted and tears flowed into his eyes. "If I was faithful I wouldn't be involved with a crazy woman like Bea.. then my wife would be alive again..."

They were quietly listening to him while he was saying something while crying.

"Merlis can't give me a baby so I choose to cheat on her... I even hurt her.. what kind of a husband I am." Lay clench his fist as he remember that his father cheated on his mom because she can't give her another baby again, his father want a girl for their father when Lay came into the world but that make his father got disappointed and choose to cheat with a whore.

"Yeah, it's your fault because you never even made her feel that you love her...." Lay said. A beast inside him was about to come out again but he patted his back to make him stop from thinking negatively again.

"And that's the reason why she chooses you to take the blame after she kills herself..."

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