Chapter 19

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"Hello, I want to consult something about my missing bird..." the three of them look at each other.

"A kid?" Lay asked trying to hear it again just like he thought the voice was really from a child.

"Kid, did your parents know about this?" Lay asked for a moment the caller didn't answer but then they heard him sobbing.

"My bird..." Lay look at Jevan and Dane before they sigh.

"Ok, fine we will find your bird. Don't cry, send us your address kid we'll be there," Jevan said the kid sniffed and then ended the call.

"Your weakness is kid huh," Lay teased Jevan but he just rolled his eyes.

"Of course, if Lyndon was like him I won't hesitate to do everything he likes," he said before walking through the table to look at the box again.

"Do you think the police knew it was us?" Jevan asked while looking at the letter he could see that whoever sent the money knew them.

"I don't know. Dane, didn't you put it on your brother's desk?" Lay asked Dane who was sitting on the sofa.


"What if someone claims it before your brother looks inside the file?" Dane just shrugged. Lay looked at the laptop and saw the address.

"The kid already sent his address, we should go now," he said. all of them walk out of the office and go to the address.

It takes a long minutes before they arrive at the subdivision.

"Hello is this Dino Tan residence?" Jevan asked when they walked toward the grand house of the big house in front.

The guard looks at them suspiciously but a kid runs toward the gate and opens it.

"You're the one who will find my birds?" He asked. Jevan and Lay nodded at him but Dane saw the bodyguard widen his eyes.

"Let's go inside!" He said. He was about to kill Jevan and the guard stopped him.

"Sir Dino you can't let a stranger inside." The kid frowns at him.

"I already told Mom about it besides I want to find Lili!" He shouted like he was throwing a tantrum. Jevan and Dane look at each other.

"Ok..." the guard surrendered. All of them walked inside the gate before they came to the garage.

"This is my birdcage," he pointed to the open cage there was still a feather there.

"What happened before you saw your bird kid?" Jevan asked. Dane and Lay go to the garden to find it in every bush or the small tree. There's a possibility that the bird was there.

"I let her free for a while, I thought she would be back when I opened my eyes in the morning, I tried to find her but she's gone." Jevan wrote in his notebook.

"Ok, we'll try to find her." The kid nods before he runs toward inside the house while garden.

"We can't find anything." Lay sat on the ground but he accidentally stumbled into the bush.

"Ouch," he said. Jevan and Dane tried to help him but when a handkerchief caught their eyes they let go of him making him stumble again.

"Thanks, guys! You're so kind," he sarcastically said. Dane and Jevan didn't listen to him instead Jevan picked up the handkerchief.

"Blood..." he whispered before he looked at his friend.

"What is this?" They asked. They didn't expect to find something like that there.

"Lay can you have their CCTV camera?" Jevan said. Lay didn't answer instead he pulled out his laptop and opened it.

It took many minutes before he successfully hacked it. "In front of the house and inside has only CCTV camera." He said.

"Then watch the footage yesterday." Dane and Jevan sit beside him before Lay open the pottage.

There they saw the guard running toward the trash in front of the house he was holding a plastic.

"Let's go," they said before standing up and running toward outside.

The guard wasn't there so no one would stop them.

Dane open the trash can and a stinky smell linger in their nose.

They find the plastic and take it out.

"Lay open it," Jevan said but Lay moved backward before he was like about to vomit. Dane glared at Lay before he opened the plastic without reaction.

Jevan and Lay were wincing watching him doing it. Their eyes widen when Dane takes out a body.... the body of the bird.

"Shit. I knew it!" They look at the bird and notice something.

"What happening here?" Three of them turned around and saw a man come out of his car.

"Who are you?" His eyes started to widen when he saw the bird on the ground.

"You Mr Tan?" Jevan asked he didn't answer instead he tried to run to pick up the burd throw it inside the trash can again and look in his house to check if Dino was there.

"No... please go now." he tried to beg them but Jevan shook his head.

"We want to talk to you and your wife," he said. He didn't answer he was about to attack Jevan who was in front but Dane blocked him.

"What is this?" A middle-aged woman came out of the gate but the kid wasn't there

"Who are you?!" She shouted before pushing Dane cleching her husband's collar.

"Your son sent us here to find his bird but we found it dead," Lay said both of them widened their eyes.

"You're the one who throws it out there right?" Jevan pointed his hand toward them before the guard who was watching beside them.

"It's just a bird. Don't meddle in our family business, " the woman said.

"Listen, we found something..." Jevan remembered what he saw on the CCTV after they saw the guard throwing something at the mother of the child carrying her son toward his bedroom...

"You're son was the one who killed his bird right? But he doesn't have any idea what he did because he has a psychological problem," Jevan said. Dane saw the bird cut into her stomach, it looked like someone had opened it.

Both of them didn't answer but after a moment passed the woman started to cry before hugging her husband. "We didn't know what to do! He's always like that, we always buy him a new pet but he suddenly killed it and passed out and after what happened he can't remember it and tried to find his pet" The three of them sighed they couldn't do anything about it but to tell them the truth.

"We only investigate what our client wants and your son was our client. About his case, we can't help with anything about that but I want you to try to consult him with the expert," Jevan said. Both of them didn't answer.

Jevan looked at Lay and Dane before he nodded to give a sign they needed to go.

"Good day Mr. And Mrs. Tan we'll go now," Lay said but they stopped them giving them a cheque.

"Here for your effort," he said but they didn't accept it and they walked away toward Dane's car.

"At least we help them with what will they need to do about their son's condition," Lay said. Dane and Lay slightly before they nod.

"Yeah, you're right."

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