Chapter 11

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"AH," Lay rushed to crawl and didn't bother to feel how sore his elbow was. All he thinks now is to get away from that thing.

Jevan and Dane came to him, they helped him to get up while Lay's eyes still widened looking like he was out of control.

He tried to struggle with Jevan who was holding him until he accidentally hit Jevan's face.

"Shut up!" Jevan reacted. Dane frowned, he raised his hand to hit him make him stop struggling.

"Who the fuck?! That's hurt!" He said, now finally he came back to his right sense but Dane just glared at him.

"You hurt him first," he said. Lay looked at Jevan who was holding his nose, Lay really hit it hard.

Once again Lay eyes widened. "I'm sorry Jevan!" He said. He was about to hold Jevan's face but Jevan just shook himself.

"What happened?" He changed the topic to find out why Lay was reacting like that earlier.

Lay remember what made him like that. He points something where many brushes are.

"There's a corpse..." He said shuttering. Jevan could feel him, shaking.

When Dane and Jevan heard it they rushed to go in that direction to check.

When they arrived they saw a corpse lying on the ground.

A man who was age 40's or more. The blood flowing into his head was not fully dry, they also saw a heavy rock beside him, the blood also visible there.

They look around to see if someone is entering the park. They were lucky because it was the rainy season and the sky was dark.

"Do you think he accidentally got hit his head?" Dane asked looking at the body, he didn't need to look it closer to find the cause of his death because he also saw that his head was the only one injured.

"I don't think so, can you look at his body? Let's find a clue," he said. Lay holding his clothes while Dane obediently did what he said.

Lay taking a peek, he can't believe what happening. The other day they also saw a corpse but he wasn't ready to see another one again in this kind of situation.

Dane flipped the body and saw a bruise on his back. There was an violet mark on his skin and Dane could be assured there was something that hit him there.

He flip him again, all his body was full of dark marks. Dane looked at the ground and saw a baseball bat, now he finally knew what the cause of that injury was. He looks at Jevan who's watching him they nod at each other sharing the same thoughts as him Jevan also know what it is.

Dane was about to tell Jevan when he heard something. He turned around and looked behind the three he caught someone peeking at them.

Without talking Dane rushed to stand up and run, he saw the man also running but he was unlucky because Dane was a track and field champion in their school.

Dane raises his hand and grabs the back of that man's collar.

"Tell me who are you?" He whispered but that guy struggled and successfully got away from Dane.

He tried to fight with him, he tried to hit Dane using a kick. Dane kept avoiding his attack, but the guy got annoyed, he hardly tried to kick him again but his feet got hit by the tree when Dane avoided it successfully.

"Ahhh!" From that impact, he loses balance and stumbles to the ground. Dane just avoids him because he knows that guy can't fight with him.

He also planned to hit his vital chord but he remembered they needed to ask him, he knew this guy could be a suspect from what happened to the man.

Dane held him and lifted him with using his full force, from behind Dane didn't realize there was one watching him far away, grinning.

"What do you know?" He asked but the guy was forcing Dane's hand to let go of him.

"Let go of me!" He shouted that could fill the whole forest but Dane didn't have any plan to let him go.

Dane was losing some control, he was eager to hit this person but something stopped him

"Dane!" Lay called from behind. They're walking toward them while the guy still struggling in Dane's arms.

"Did you find something?" He asked them and Jevan nodded he showed a hair, white hair. Also a clip.

They look at the guy who widens his eyes. "It's your hair right?" Lay asked. He was brave, he pulled the guy's collar and glared at him.

"No! I'm not! I only have the same colour of that hair I didn't even get near it!" He said but Lay hit his face to shut him up.

"Try to fool us huh," he said. Jevan and Dane shook their head.

"Lay that's enough, we will interview him later at the office," Jevan said calming Lay.

Lay finally agree. "What happen to the corpse?" Dane asked while they were walking out of the forest.

"A police arrived that's why we rushed to go here. Let's take the other way so the police won't suspect us," Jevan said turning to the other way.

When they were nearly at Jevan's house Dane was the only one who went to the house to get the car after that they went to the apartment.

The guy following them stayed behind at his eye witness when he saw Jevan, Dane and Lay enter the apartment.

He was stunned but his phone rang making him come back to his right sense.

"Hello?!" He asked impatiently. He was still peeking at the wall but Jevan and others were already went inside.

"Where are you, sir? We need you," that voice said inside the phone. The guy grins.

"Solve it without me for now. I'll go later, for now, let me watch something," he said with a grin. In his entire life he didn't saw something like this.

"But sir..." His people want to complain but he doesn't have any plan to go.

"Do your job. I'm watching something interesting..."

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