Chapter 25

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"Did you find something?" Riggs asked while sipping his cigarette.

Jevan, Dane and Lay look at each other before they sigh. "Yeah, plenty but we want to look back again into the house while for the body you can pick it up there," Jevan said, still confused about what was happening and what was behind those clues they found out.

"Well, you still have 6 days to do it so you can. By the way, I need to go, I just want to find what you got. Don't forget to remind me when you find something," he said before entering his car.

Dane glared at the car which was already far away.

"What's gotten into that guy?" Dane asked but both Lay and Jevan just shrugged.

"He's still mysterious but we need to trust him, let's finish this thing," Jevan said. They all agreed before they came into the house.

They all sat on the sofa while staring at the ceiling all of them were not thinking the same. They're thinking about their investigation.

Jevan kept thinking about the letter he was sure there was a hidden meaning to it. While Lay was still confused.

Lay move before he faces the two. "Guys I found a knife with blood and a parcel," he honestly said. Dane and Lay look at him then Dane remembers a hole in the throat of the woman.

"I also found a letter. I don't know but the letter says that she wanted to go home her life was in danger, and her husband was hurting her," Lay clenched her fist when he heard it.

Dane was stunned by what he saw in the body the woman also had an old burst into his whole body.

"I saw all over her body a purple mark." Jevan came to think of it before he stood up.

"That's it! Let's go back!" Jevan said. He was about to pull them but they didn't move.

"What?" He asked but Dane and Lay looked into his stomach when it suddenly growled.

Jevan shut his mouth. "Oh, I remember we still didn't have some breakfast this morning." He said before stirring again. They rush to go to the area. they don't like that body to stay there long it needs to be preserved.

"I'll order some food." they all agreed and then Lay ordered some food. They waited there while thinking about the case after a few minutes the delivery driver came.

They walk out from the gate and get the food. They give their payment after that the delivery driver goes.

After that, they walk inside again and eat their food.

"Ok, guys let's go! We shouldn't take a week I'm really curious about that vault," Lay said bow he was finally energised.

Dane and Jevan smiled before they stood up.

They walk out of the house and go to Dane's car.

After a few minutes of driving they arrived at the house again but then they saw a woman outside in the neighbourhood she was taking a peek at the woman's house

"Let's ask her," Jevan said. They walk through the other gate.

"Maam excuse us." Jevan got her attention. She looked startled but when she realized that she shouldn't be alarmed she took a deep breath.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

"We came here to investigate the crime scene but can you let us interview you for a while?" Jevsn said politely. Lay tried to smile he also pushed Dane's shoulder to do what he did but he didn't even smile instead he stared at the woman who looked terrified of him.

"Dane..." Jevan said to him but he just looked in the other direction.

"We're sorry," Jevan apologised on Dane's behalf.

The woman shook her head before opening the door.

She let them in and they sat on the bench in her garden.

"What do you want to know?" She asked straight.

"About the woman. Did you notice something before she died?" Jevan asked. The woman leans near their face to whisper

"I don't know but that Merlis was always crying. I always hear her in the night." The woman looks terrified.

"Did you know why she's crying?" Lay asked but the woman nodded so many times. They're thankful that Merlis has a nosy neighbour so they can hear any detail about her.

"Her husband Felix didn't come back for a week. It said that her husband went overseas for a few days but he never came back," she said. Jevan pulled out his notebook and pen and wrote what the woman said.

"What happens next?" Dane asked. The woman paused before he looked again when she remembered something.

"Ah after that Merlis didn't come out from the house. I tried to knock on the door cause I was concerned but she didn't respond so I let her but then..."

"What?" Lay asked impatiently.

"Then I saw her again, she came out of the house but she was depressed and you know what the creepy thing happened?" She asked Jevan looking suspense from Look into her eyes.


"There's always a delivery man coming into her house. Yesterday a man was looking inside, trying to look inside but the door was closed. I saw it here." Dane and Jevan looked.

"Thank you for this information, Ma'am." They take a leave and they loot the house again.

They were about to go inside the car to take a leave when a rider stopped inside the house.

They looked at it he was looking at the window.

Dane, Lay, and Jevan ran toward the house before they walked toward him.

"Who are you?" they asked. The guy looked startled before he widened his eyes.

"Ah—" Jevan and Lay stared at him they could read the fear in his eyes.

"Don't move!" Dane said but the guy tried to run away making Dane move faster and grab the back of his collar.

The guy starts struggling with him but Jevan and Lay walk in front of him.

"We want to talk..."

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