Chapter 16

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"What are we doing here?" Lay asked. They're currently standing in front of the bar.

Now, It's already night.

"We're here to see someone," Jevan answered before pulling them inside the bar. Dane and Lay didn't complain and when they entered the loud music rang into their ears.

"Cocktail please," Jevan ordered from the bartender before they sat at the counter.

Lay and Dane look around before looking at Jevan. "So what's the plan?" Lay asked but he made sure no one would hear.

"We will wait for her to appear but don't get drunk we have a business here," Jevan said to them. Both of them offering a wine while looking around. Many of the people there were dancing and drinking but their attention was on the girl singing on the stage.

After she sings she comes down from the stage. They saw her walking away making them stand up.

"Let's go," Jevan said before they walked but they were too unlucky when one of the people there bumped them while they were dancing.

When they came out from that place they ran toward the fire exit which was the trash area.

When they opened the door a girl was there, crying.

Dane, Jevan and Lay look at each other before closing the door. "Hey," they get her attention. That girl stopped to cry and rushed to wipe her face and turned around to face them.

"W-what are you doing here?" The shock on her face was still visible but that's make them connect everything.

Dane smirk. "We want to ask you something," Jevan said. That girl didn't move in her place while Dane walked to the trash can behind her.

"A-ask anyway," she tried to stop her lips from shivering and looked at Jevan's eyes to keep contact with him.

"You came from the park yesterday right?" Jevan asked that the girl's eyes widen but started to shake her head

"No..." she said but they could tell she was lying.

"Stop lying we are there," Lay said in his heavy voice. That girl still shaking her head but suddenly she sat on the floor and started wailing.

"No! I didn't kill him no!" She said her voice began even louder. Jevan and Dane look at her with cold eyes but Lay wants to go to help her but he can't.

"Calm down, your mother is dead," Jevan said again making her stop from wailing and look at them, her tears were still flowing into her eyes which still widened.

"What did you say?" She whispered but it was clear to be heard by them.

"She killed herself to protect you," Lay said in a low voice. From that the girl started a loud sob before trying to hurt herself by pulling her hair. Dane moves to pull her hand away from her hair to stop him from hurting himself but she starts struggling.

"No no, it can't be. No!" She looked like a mad woman. Now her angelic face was already pulled of tears and her hair was a mess.

"Let her go," Jevan commanded. Dane nodded and let her go now she stopped pulling herself.

"What happened that day," he casualty asked.

A moment of silence before she started to answer. "I-l didn't kill him, he stumbled from the ground and hit his head on the rock!"

"You're saying that it was an accident." She shook her head and nodded but then she started to laugh like she was finally mad.

"Hahaha, but he deserves it... he wants to molest me! He deserves to die!" She started laughing and then for a moment crying again. Jevan and others just like they thought the reason was big heard it from her they are now confident that their suspect is right.

"No one deserves to die! You should tried to ask the police for help!" Lay couldn't help not to shout at her, they're lucky that the bar music was loud so they won't create a scene.

"No I wasn't," she was still saying. "I tried to call for help but it's too late, he wants to rape me! What am I supposed to do?! I just defend myself from him." Jevan pulled something into his pocket and threw it in front of her.

The girl looked at the clip before she widened her eyes. "It's yours?" They asked for a moment the girl didn't respond but after a minute she nodded while gripping the clip.

"That's one of the pieces of evidence we saw the man's body, he was gripping it. We have a suspect that it may be the culprit in your bar and now we are right" The girl hug the hairclip as if it was someone she loves.

"Jevan please be faster someone might see us here," Dane said before he walked to the other side to guard the place. He was leaning at the wall while Lay sat on the ground leaning on the exit door.

"Ok," Jevn responded before looking at the girl again.

Jevan was about to say something when a loud sound came from Lay's back, he nearly hit his face on the ground when someone pushed the door.

Another girl was confused looking at them, she was holding a trash bin to throw it.

"What happening here?" She asked before walking to the can and throwing it away.

Dane Lay and Jevan didn't answer but they were looking at her.

"I didn't kill him, it was an accident," the girl started whispering. The girl was confused but tried to help her up and glared at them.

"Hey, are you molesting her?! Why she's crying?!" She shouted pointing at them. Dane walked toward Lay and Jevan while Lay stood up to join them.

"I'm going to call the police," she said again but all of them did not even look terrified from it.

"I-'m not a criminal," the girl whispered again

"What are you saying?" The other girl asked the other girl but it seemed like she was already not in her right mind.

"Of course, you're not because the one who kills that man is that girl beside you."


Hello everyone! Hope you like this chapter lovelots😚

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