Chapter 21

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In the daylight, two guys were sitting there while the wind passed in their faces.

"Detective or whoever you are, can you give us a sign to continue this?" Jevan asked looking at the detective's grave.

They go there early in the morning and Lay doesn't even come back to Jevan's house, from that they know Lay has finally given up.

Jevan can't blame him but he's a bit upset because they made a promise to find Lyndon. They didn't even know accepting this job would put them in a dangerous situation.

"Jevan stop it. This job may be hard or dangerous but I won't leave OK?" Dane said. Jevan looked at him before he nodded.

"Let's go back the sun was setting down," he said. Jevan looked at the grave again before he followed Dane.

They walk until the sky becomes dark again.

They were about to successfully go outside the forest when they stopped at the tree.

"We need to kill them." Their eyes widened from they heard the neck thing they saw a man with a police uniform lying on the ground hardly breathing.

"You'll never succeed!" He hardly spoke. Those guys look at him before all of them laugh out loud which fills the whole woods.

"What are they doing?!" Jevan whispered Dane put his hand on Jevan's mouth.

"Shh.." they continue to listen again.

"This is what you deserve!" One of them let out something on his back. Jevan and Dane were stunned when they saw an axe and pulled it up.

"No..." the police officer whispered. But before he was about to be punished speaking the axe touched his body.

Jevan's eyes closed with a splash of blood anyway. Jevan's hand trembled he was about to plead when Dane held his mouth more hardly.

"Shhh don't let yourself catch by them!" Dane whispered.

The guy let go of the axe which was now full of blood before he got the phone and called someone.

"Boss it's done?" he asked. After that, they all laughed.

"Very good. I'll send the money into your bank account." After that the call ends.

"Let's get out of here," Dane said before he let out of Jevan's mouth.

They slowly walked away from there but Jevan slipped when he stepped on a body lying on the ground.

Jevan stumble but it makes noise making the 5 people there look at them.

"Hey, who is that?!" They shouted before running toward them.

"Shit!" Dane roared before helping Jevan to stand up. They look around while smelling the stinky smell of blood everywhere. This is the reason why it was a slaughter area.

Those guys watching this place, there's a reason why police were about to give up on this place because when they sent another officer they wouldn't be back anymore and be killed ed this place.

"What should we do?!" Jevan asked. Dane let out his gun from the back of his pants before he nodded at him.

"We will fight back," he said but his eyes were looking at those people who were now standing there. Three of them holding a gun, one of them holding a knife, and one of them holding an axe.

"How did you come here?" One of those guy asked. Jevan wants to roll his eyes.

"Isn't it obvious, we use a car?" He said sarcastically but because of what he said those three guys pointed the gun at him. Dane pushed Jevan away before he pulled the trigger which hit the other two.

Dane ran toward that person avoiding the bullets from the guns before going toward the guy. He just shot earlier and pulled it up to use as a shield but the guy shooting him didn't care even though the body of his friend was now full of bullets.

Dane smirked before throwing the guy at him. Both of them stumble to the ground after that Dane walks toward him and points the gun on his face.

"No..." he whispered but Dane gave an evil smirk before he pulled the trigger. Blood splashed into his face. Dane looks at the other man.

"Who are you?" His hand was now trembling. He wanted to shoot Dane earlier but Dane was avoiding it while avoiding the other guy who also shot him.

Dane felt a liquid run into his lips. That blood was owned by the guy he just killed by now.

He let his tongue out before licking it. "You're next..."

On the other side, the guy holding an axe attacked Jevan all he did was block his attacker before he pulled his other hand and twitched his hand. That guy shouted, Jevan grabbed the axe from his hand and used it to hit his head using the other side of the axe...

Jevan was breathing loudly while staring at the guy who was now lying on the ground.

While on Dane's side, he already was punching the other guy. He kicked the gun and it flew away before he jumped and kicked his face

Dane looked around but his eyes widened when one of them held a knife and was about to attack Jevan who was standing there...

Dane ran and hugged Jevan from behind but after that, he felt a heavy feeling in his back.

"Dane!" Jevan shouted when he realized what had happened. Dane was wincing when he felt that stab in his back.

Jevan felt the heaviness of Dane's body behind him while Dane couldn't stand up.

The guy pulls his phone from his pocket. "Boss I have good news for you. I already caught—" Before he was about to finish what his saying he suddenly passed out.

Jevan and Dane look around. They saw a man holding a baseball bat, his hand was trembling but he looked proud of what he did.

"Hello?!" They heard from that phone but that guy hit the phone to make it crash before he smiled at Dane and Jevan.

"Yow, sorry I'm late!"

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