Chapter 34

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"Golden eyes..." Jevan's hand shook when he read it.

"No! We need to find Lyndon fast!" He panicked. Lay and Dane looked at him worriedly.

"Lyndon has golden eyes right?" They asked. By then they were fascinated by Lyndon's eyes.

"Let me see!" Riggs suddenly showed up and pushed them. He grabbed the file into his hand and read it.

"This is a secret mission, I  never heard about this before. How did Dewie find this case?" Riggs asked. He read the form there were 2 victims that Dewie found, and they didn't have any eyes in them, he tried to find them and they found they had the same eyes.

"What's their purpose to that eye?" Lay asked staring at it Riggs clenched the files.

"Give that to us. It's our case." Jevan tried to pull the file back but Riggs didn't let it go before he looked at them.

"This is dangerous to all of you. You need to stay away from it," he said but they shook their head so many times.

"No! Detective Dewie gave us that case, we saw him at the rift, it was meant for us!" Lay said. They wanted to find Lyndon as soon as possible, they don't like to sit around waiting for Lyndon to get in danger.

"But this case is not supported by the police! Whether Dewie found it without reporting why he chose you to do it?! You're still a teenager this is dangerous!" He shouted back Jevan Lay and Dane clenched their fist before Dane got the chance to pull it he read the file without Riggs noticing.

"We don't care! Ethier, it led us to death we do not care, we are already here OK you also trained us and now you want to back out?" Lay said Jevan was thinking about why his brother got into that place.

"My final answer is no!"

"Why? We chose us because he saw our potential besides you need to see this," Jevan put his hand into his eyes and took something out. They're watching him before he opens his eyes again. A golden eye shows into them.

"No way.." they whispered out of shock, they were staring at Jevan's eyes.

"This case is not new. Our relative also died because of it but I was too young at that time to understand. Now I finally know, I was careless and that I didn't try to hide Lyndon's eyes! Our parents tell me that I should hide this from others without telling me why." Riggs was stunned stunned didn't even move into his place while staring at his eyes even Lay widened his eyes.

"This is our family case, Riggs, my uncle died and now I don't want my brother to die because of it please let us solve this case." Dane opened the file and something he saw in between he stared at it.

"Riggs are you afraid that it will lead us from what happened to you between, Dewie, and Syan?" Their attention goes to Dane who shows them the picture in his hand that he saw inside the folder. Rigg's eyes are wide open while Lay and Jevan think about where they saw that face.

"Wait a minute... that's the guy in the park!" Jevan and Lay shouted. Riggs clenched his fist while Dane put the file onto the table again...

"Tell us you lied to us right? You know about this case that's why you're afraid for us to take it," Dane said with a sharp gaze. Jevan got the picture to Dane he saw the name behind it. Dewie/Syan/Riggs..

"Three of you tried to clear the case but you couldn't and it led you three into separation. Tell us what happened after you took this case?" Jevan asked Ruggs doesn't want them to know the truth but it looked like he couldn't lie anymore three of them cornered him...

"Alright, I tell you the truth... three of us are police that time that was your first mission with detectives but all of them died after that we couldn't find who did this all until an accident happened Syan was accused was with them, when Syan tried to spy and we try to defend him but no one listens to us after that Dewie stop working with us, he does on his own but still contacting me and only me who stay. Syan also lost the reputation he tried to build for many years. You see there's the big person behind this case, no one successfully solved it," he explains for a moment. Jevan Dane and Lay didn't say a word but they let out a deep laugh.

"And you think we're not capable? This case is under our emotions, we have someone to save Riggs. My brother is with them," Jevan said. Riggs stared at them, he still didn't want to agree.

"You're easy to give up, are you a detective with a higher position? Dewie died being a detective with pride because he didn't stop," Dane said making. Riggs was stunned at that time he was scared of what would happen next until the case got thrown. They didn't find anyone who got killed after that that's why they chose to try the case...

"He's right, we know Dewie was finding the truth but he didn't stop even if it led him to death," Lay said. The past him is not showing, he is also asked what will happen to them after this case and whether they will live or die but the only thing they know is to save Lyndon from that person who will use his eyes for their reason.

"OK fine! If this is what you like but first Jevan do what your parents like, hide your eyes. We can't take the risk where them finding out about you. I will send another police here to personally train all of you, don't underestimate them they're strong compared to any other cops" Jevan smiles before remembering he will use his other contact lens in his room later because he just threw his other one away.

"What will we do?" Lay asked. Riggs walks toward Dane, Jevan, and Lay. He patted their shoulder one by one before staring at them with his serious and sharp eyes.

"I already warn you. I hope you will never make the old mistake we made before..."

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