Chapter 24

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"Jevan are you trusting his word? What if he was just using us?" Lay asked. They're sitting in front of the bakery shop of Alina.

They came here early in the morning to eat while looking at the people walking in the street.

"How can he use us?" Dane asked before he bite the bread they just bought inside the shop. Jevan grabbed the can of coffee.

"What else we solve the case, isn't it? We solve it faster than they did, he can be using us for his claims," Lay said. Jevan and Dane didn't reply for a minute even though they were thinking the same thing.

"But even if he's using us we can find the truth, the vault that the detective left for us that's the case why did someone kidnap Lyndon, we can find him if we do this right?" Jevan asked. Now Lay was the one who couldn't say a word.

"Well we just need to solve this murder case, so let's go?" Dane said. Lay sighed before he nodded with Jevan.

They stood up from the bench but Jevan saw a flower shop near this place.

"Wait.." he said before pulling them into that shop. Dane and Lay were stunned when they saw Jevan talking to a vendor before that vendor gave him a 1 piece of flower a red rose.

Jevan walked to them with a smile on his face "Don't flutter me Jevan. I don't like you I'm sorry," Lay said while cupping his mouth but from that, Dane and Jevan hit his head.

"Ouch! I'm just kidding! By the way, what's that for?" He asked but Jevan didn't answer instead he started to walk again.

Lay and Dane were confused but they decided to follow him.

"Do you think he likes someone?" Lay asked while grinning. He was now planning to tease Jevan if he saw him giving a flower to a girl.

"Shut up," Dane said in a cold voice. Lay rolled his eyes on him for being a killjoy.

Jevan Dane and Lay stood in front of the B
Bakery before they entered there.

Lay's mouth hung open when Jevan gave the flower to Alina.

"What?! Did that guy like that girl? Jevan want to steal her?" Lay whispers but Dane just glares at him.

"Ahh?" Alina reacts. She can't accept the flower but Jevan gets her hand and forces her to grab the flower.

"The guy in the park wants us to give it to you," Alina remembers it, it was Blister, the guy who kept talking to her before she opened the shop.

Alina's face flushed before finally accepting the flower. Dane smiled at the back while Lay shook his head from what he heard.

"T-thank you," Lay remembered that Jevan had made a promise to that guy that would help him escape his silence.

"We'll go now, have a lot of babies," Lay teased which made Alina blush even more but all she did was hug the flower.

When they came out from the shop Lay shoved Jevan. "We thought you liked that girl.'" Jevan laughed before he shook his head. Love romantically wasn't in his mind for now, all he needed in his life was Lyndon, Lay, and Dane.

"No. Of course not, I was just doing what I swear," he said before opening the car door. Dane and Lay didn't say a word anymore before Dane started the engine.

"The address is not far from here right?" Dane asked. Jevan checked the address on his phone before he nodded.

"Yes, it is." All of them didn't say a word until they arrived at the village. They stand in the front of a modern house.

"Is this the place?" Jevan nods at Lay.

"Brown residence. The victim's name is Merlis Brown 30-year-old woman," Jevan said before opening the gate. The house already has a crime scene tape. They know Riggs didn't let his people investigate the case and authorised them to do it but the only ones who know everything.

Riggs people only know that Riggs was investigating the case by himself.

They enter the door. A stinky smell lingers on their nose making them cup their hand on it.

"It smells of blood," Lay complained before stepping into the things.

"Let's separate. Dane check the body and make sure to write it while you Lay go to the living room and I'll go to the bedroom," Jevan commanded. The two do what Jevan assigned them.

Dane stays on the first floor and looks at the body. They know they should be checking the body into the morgue but Riggs can't find anyone about them so they let the body there for a while and after they check on it, they will send the body to crimate.

Dane frowned when he saw something on his body, he saw many bursts all over her body like it was by someone with something. Dane stared at the hole in her throat. Dane shook his head by looking at the body. The face nearly couldn't be recognised because of the blood all over it.

In the living room, Lay's eyes widened when he saw a parcel box full of blood and near it, there was a knife with blood.

Lay took out his phone and took a picture of that thing.

In the bedroom, Jevan looked around the bedroom was so neat. He decided to open the cabinet and he saw many beauty products and apart but something caught his attention when he saw a colour blue paper.

Jevan felt a heavy feeling when he held the paper it looked like someone stopping him but he shook his head and opened it.

He saw a letter. It was the letter that a woman wanted to send to her parent.

Jevan closed the letter before running downstairs and he saw Lay and Dane looking at the body.

"Did you find something?" Lay takes him in another direction he tries to look into the body but the hole in his neck makes him want to vomit.

"Yeah let's get back for now," Jevan said. He felt heavy in that house that's why he pulled Dane and Lay outside.

Jevan was still quiet while Dane was driving the car. He was thinking about the letter he just read even Dane and Lay felt they were thinking about what they saw.

When they arrive at the house they see Riggs sitting in front of the gate, taking a sip into his cigarette.

"Oh. Did you find something?"

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