32- Nightmare

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"And you are far too fucking young to let the weight of the world destroy you."

The Amity Affliction

We sat around the table at some fast food, and you could clearly cut the tension with a knife. I sat between Ashton and Scott, Phil and Mickie in front of us. We made small talk and congratulated them for their win, but other than that, no one talked. I'm still wondering whether she did it on purpose or not, even though I have my little idea on the subject. I think she hurt my knee on purpose, but maybe she didn't think it would be that bad. I don't know, and I don't really want to think of it right now, and rather enjoy the fact I'm with Ashton, for a little time more. When we finished eating, we had to part ways, Ashton and Mickie going back to their hotels so they could take their planes tomorrow morning, and us three heading home by car. I hugged Ashton as tightly as I could and he returned the hug.

" I promise I'll be home soon." I whispered in his neck.

" I'll be waiting for you." He smiled. " And I promise this will remain a secret." He broke the hug to look at me, his hands on my shoulders. "Call me a little before, so we can set up the surprise, alright ?"

" Yeah, will do." I grinned, and hugged him again.

He finally had to leave, and we did the same.

" I'm taking the first quarter, if you're okay with that?" Phil demanded.

" Yeah, I could actually take a little nap right now." Scott chuckled. "Be careful."

He said that as he settled down his stuff in the back seat and made himself comfortable. I made my way to the passenger's seat and buckled up, and when I looked back, Scott was already half asleep, which gave me a smile.

" Hey are you okay?" Phil's voice took me aback, he hasn't talked to me since before the match.

" What do you mean ?"

" Well, your leg, and you first match, what did you think of it ?" He asked, his eyes sparkling.

" It was amazing, I can't wait to do it again!" I said excitedly. "But well, because of my leg I might not be able to do that before a moment." I looked down. "The doctors said I'll have to get surgery when I go back to Australia in three weeks."

" Oh well, you'll be okay don't worry." He tried to reassure me, his eyes still glued on the road. "And I think it's good for you, you pushed away that surgery for too long you know."

" Yeah, but I was too fucking afraid to get it done before." I chuckled darkly. "I was such a scaredy cat as a teenager."

" Nah, don't say that." He said gently. "Everyone could be scared at the idea of being operated."

" Yeah, I don't know. Well the fact is it's going to be done, and it'll be over with for the new year, so that good."

" Yeah, it's better off this way." He smiled at me for a second. "Oh and also, you did a great fucking match."

I couldn't help myself but smile wide like a complete idiot. As I learned it, Phil wasn't the one to compliment when it came to work, so his comment was better than an award for me, at the moment. I fell asleep soon after that, and only woke up for a minute when Phil and Scott first changed seats. After that, I slept throughout the whole car ride.

I woke up on my bed, my suitcase in the corner of the room. I thought for a moment and realized that one of the guys must have dropped me there. I got up to go to the living room, but I felt a sharp pain in my knee. I looked at it and it was a little swollen. Things are going to go down, I can feel it. I took my crutches and left my room.

" Well hello there, sleeping beauty." Scott teased, but saw the noticeable pain on my face, and stopped right away. "Are you okay Roxanne ?"

" My knee kinda hurts, but it happened before, it'll probably stop in an hour or two. "

" Do you want some painkillers?" He suggested.

" Who's in pain ?" Phil chimed in.

" Me." I said towards the tattooed guy. "But thanks Scott I don't take those kind of things." I smiled softly.

" Your knee looks really bad though." Phil continued. "You should go see a doctor."

" I already saw the doctor of ROH yesterday and he said I'd be fine for 3 more weeks, so I trust him." I argued.

" No you trust that only because it reassures you!" Phil raised his voice. "You're obviously not fine, and it has gotten worse than yesterday."

" Hey, I'm not one to always be on his side, but you're really pale and are in pain, everyone can see it." Scott said, gentler than Phil. "At least talk to the managers, and the boss, he'll understand, don't worry."

" No, I can't!" I really felt like crying at that point. "I've been there for a month only, and I'm already injured. I'm going to get fired I know it, why keep superstars that are injured."

" Because you're fucking good, but you don't seem to understand that for fuck's sake!" Phil yelled as he stormed out of the room.

" He's right, you have to tell them, so they see what to do, okay ?" Scott hugged me. "I'll come with you if you want. And I also think they should do something about Mickie."

" It was an accident." I responded.

" It was not and we both know it." He said strictly. "Stop trying to convince yourself. We'll go to the boss' office tomorrow morning alright ? For today, you rest, and I'll get you some ice for your knee."

" You don't have to!" I protested.

" I know, but I want to." He winked at me.

Not that bad // Rhea RipleyWhere stories live. Discover now