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Why? Why did you choose me to be your lover CyberMoon? Because I love you I don't care what you have done or anything I just love you for who you are. I don't judge you. I just love you. He smiled and leaned over and kissed my cheek. He grabbed me and I laid on his left arm. He started caressing and massaging my back. I purred at the touch.

My love. I asked. Hmm yes what is it? He said. What do we do if Starscream finds out about us?
Don't mind him, I'll take care of him. Just relax. He tilted his helm against mine. He whispered in my audio receptors I love you. Before I knew it we fell asleep.

It was morning when I woke up but I noticed that my sparkmate wasn't here. He must be in his throne room. I was going to get up but felt a terrible pain in my tank. It hurt a lot worse than Starscream damaging my wings. I figure maybe it is normal or something. But I ignored it. I got up and was walking out when the pain got worse. Argh. What is happening? I grabbed a hold of my tank. But I felt something move. Wait what I said. I was confused until I heard the doors open. It was my sparkmate.

Sweet spark what is wrong. He said. He quickly went over to me to help me up. I don't know. It's argh. It's my tank. The pain is getting more intense. Megatron was worried I saw the look on his face. He comlinked Knockout to bring a scanner to his room. Knockout answers back to him saying yes my Liege.

Megatron walked me to his berth and sat me up. He sat next to me knowing I was in pain. He wanted to help me but couldn't. Until his doors opened. Knockout I need you to use the scanner on CyberMoon. Of course my Liege. Knockout was scanning CyberMoon until he reached her tank. Uh. CyberMoon he said you are carrying.

The look on my face shocked me and Megatron. Wait what Knockout are you sure I said. Are you sure? Yes CyberMoon I am sure you know my scanners are always accurate. Is that everything you need my Liege? Yes it is please you may go. Knockout bowed and left. The doors closed and we were alone.

I can't believe it. I am going to be a sire. He got off the berth and bent down. He placed his servo on my tank. He looked at me and smiled. I can't wait to see you, my little sparkling. I know you will do great things, just like your mother. I smiled and was crying at the same time.

It was about 3 months or so and everyone knows about me and Megatron. They didn't care but Starscream would. I was inside mine and Megatron's room and the pain was getting more intense with the child moving a lot more inside my tank. I was sitting on our berth until the door opened. It was my sparkmates communication specialist Soundwave. He always stopped by making sure I was okay whenever his master was away. Yes I am fine Soundwave. But I think it could be any moment because he or she is moving a lot more. Soundwave went over and helped me to the med bay. Because I feared it could be any moment or any day.

Transformers Prime Fanfiction: warlord wife/book 1Where stories live. Discover now