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CyberMoon got out and went to grab a towel. Megatron watched and waited. He loved everything about his queen. She has been there for him since they first met each other. Megatron saw his wife coming back with a towel and handed it to him. Thank you my dear he said while exiting the tub. CyberMoon drained the water and headed to the berth. Megatron dried himself off and went to the berth to recharge.

Megatron went to the berth and climbed on right by his wife's side. He was thinking about everything until he felt his wife caressing his back making him relax. Suddenly he fell asleep. Goodnight my warlord she said she kissed him on the cheeks and saw a soft smile on his face. She laid down and drifted off to sleep.

It was morning and Sunblaster woke up in the med bay and was walking around looking for his sire and Carrier. But he bumped into Shockwave. Shockwave looked down and saw the heir. Hello Sunblaster I believe we haven't met have we he said bending down to his level.

Sunblaster was scared but stood up strong like his sire not being afraid of anything. No, I haven't met you before. Who are you? Shockwave chuckled well I am Shockwave your sire Second-in-Command of Science. Which means I create experiments that are creatures.

Ohh sounds exciting, can I see he said. No I am afraid not these experiments are much too dangerous for a child at your age to be around. Sunblaster was mad and angry. He grabbed one of his favorite toys that was a tool and slammed it on Shockwave foot and gun. Oww. Hey what was that for he said directly towards Sunblaster.

You are not taking me to your experiments. He lifted his thing up again but was stopped. He turned around and noticed it was his sire. Shockwave you okay. No my Liege excuse me. I know I have to fix my arm gun. He walked off angry. Son, you shouldn't do that.

Well Sire he said no to me not seeing his experiments. I see. Anyways, head to our room your mother needs you. Megatron bent down and gave Sunblaster a kiss on the cheek. Eww. Love you sire. Megatron chuckled I love you too. Sunblaster went his way.

Megatron went to Soundwave to check the results. Megatron was walking but fell down, his head getting a lot worse. He quickly got up and headed to Soundwave. He was walking when he bumped into him. Soundwave you got it finished. Yes my Liege we just need to go to the med bay let's hurry. Megatron nodded and headed to the med bay.

Knockout was in the med bay and saw Megatron and Soundwave heading in. My Liege, just head to the berth. Anyways, Soundwave please contact my wife. I want her here. Soundwave nodded and contacted her. CyberMoon got the message and had Steve watch him. She left her room and headed to the med bay.

Transformers Prime Fanfiction: warlord wife/book 1Where stories live. Discover now