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Megatron turned and saw his son running towards him. He smiled and held his hands out to his son. Sunblaster reached for his father and his father lifted him up and sat him down on his lap.

Morning son he said. And how did you get out of your crib, he asked. Sunblaster explained that he asked his Carrier if he can go to the throne room to be with his sire. Megatron smiled. But wanted to have a little word with his naughty queen.

Sire can we do something together he asked. I don't know, son. Anyways Soundwave how's the relics. Soundwave didn't know what to say after the incident that had happened. Uh sire. It would be my fault. You know I still can't read right. Yes. Sunblaster what did you do? Well Sire, I accidentally deleted a file of the relics. Megatron was angry but knew it was an accident.

Soundwave went to his master and showed him the results; he actually found another file, the same as the other one; it was backed up and not deleted. Megatron was very pleased.

CyberMoon was sitting on the berth until a bridge opened up and was scared. Until she saw that it wasn't an Autobot but a Decepticon but looked more different than the other ones. He grinned and smiled. He pointed at her and his army went after her. She quickly got up but tripped and fell. Before she knew it she was being taken. She sent a bond to Megatron.

Megatron was sitting on his throne with Sunblaster until he felt his queens bond. He immediately growled. He sat his son down on the throne chair and started running to their room. The doors opened but he saw a ground bridge closing and noticed his queen was gone.

Megatron growled and roared. He was more angry and pissed that his queen was taken from him. He went to the throne room. But Soundwave informed him about a call. Shockwave please take my son and watch him. I don't want him in here doing the call. Of course my Liege. He lifted the heir up and headed off. Soundwave patched through the call and a voice that Megatron knew. It was Tarn.

What do you want Tarn? Oh I think you know what I want. Anyways you should agree if you want to see someone back and alive. Bring her in, he said to his guards. Megatron's eyes widened and he saw his queen in the hands of his worst enemy. Take her back. She disgusts me. So Megatron I advise you to take my offer. And you know. You come alone with no guards or army if you do your precious queen and lover will be offlined.

Megatron slammed his hand on the console. You better not lay a hand on her or you have to answer to me. He immediately ordered his Decepticon army to not interfere. He opened the ground bridge and went to the location of Tarns Base. Tarn's army was guarding and watching until a bridge opened. They drew their guns out and pointed but saw Megatron and was surprised that he was alone. Where is he? Take me to him if you don't you are dead. They went to him, taking him to Tarn. Megatron felt his queen's bond; he sent a bond trying to comfort her. They made it to a room and Megatron noticed Tarn coming from out of the shadows.

Transformers Prime Fanfiction: warlord wife/book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora