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Soundwave received the coordinates and set the bridge. The bridge opened in the throne room and Megatron stepped out with Prime. The vehicons drew their weapons at the Prime. Decepticons stand down. He is not a threat to us anymore. Anyways, follow me Prime.

Prime followed Megatron until they bumped into Knockout and Sunblaster. Stay away from me you Autobot he said. Son, he is not a threat to us, trust me. Sunblaster jumped down and looked at the Prime. Okay if you say so sire. But hear me Prime, I am keeping my eye on you. He left and went to be with Soundwave. Megatron chuckled. Understood Sunblaster Prime said. He's just like you brother. You are now noticing Prime what took you so long, he said while laughing.

Knockout was busy with the surgery on their queen when he heard the doors open and he saw Prime. He was going to draw his weapon but Megatron stopped him. My Liege, why he said.

Knockout Prime is no longer a threat. Anyways Prime as you can see this is my queen and this is how strong Tarn is. He actually did this to her. But she has been through a lot. He was explaining everything until the doors opened and he was interrupted by Starscream.

My Liege I am sorry. But we have discovered more army bases that belong to Tarn. My seekers have discovered them. But I will let you get back to talking. Wait Prime. Megatron explained to Starscream that the war is over and they have a new threat they need to address.

Starscream left. And it was just Megatron and Prime and his queen on the berth unconscious. Megatron so I know it's not my business. But how with CyberMoon? I thought you said one time you were not finding no love or a lover. Megatron smirked and chuckled. Well Prime I just fell for her I guess I can say that. I was actually on the flightdeck when I saw her. Anyways she minds the world to me and my son. Ever since Sunblaster was born my world and I guess almost my ways completely changed. I have to think about my son's safety and my wife. Megatron walked and sat down by his queen's side. He looked at her and he wanted her back.

Megatron I can see that you are not the same one that we know when the war started you have changed. And I know my fellow Autobots may not believe it but I have to convince them. Knockout was still in the med bay when her energon levels were getting dangerously low. He hurried up and went to the back and grabbed a bag and ran almost knocking Prime. He unhooked the bag and placed a new one. He checked the levels and they were back to normal.

Sorry Prime I didn't mean to, I just had to react quickly. No worry's Prime said. He knew Knockout was doing his job. Knockout can you get my son please. He actually needs to know about his mother. Knockout left. Megatron was still talking to Prime about Tarn and his new army.

Megatron saw the doors open and saw his son. Son, come here. Sunblaster walked to his sire and he was lifted up. Gasp wait sire. No carrier. He started crying Megatron was trying to comfort him but wasn't working. Son, I needed you to know and see this.

Transformers Prime Fanfiction: warlord wife/book 1Where stories live. Discover now