Only You

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Description: Natasha is tired, rightfully so. She's tired of feeling pressure into being perfect. She wasn't sure how much she could take of it, until Wanda came into the picture.

Warnings: Mentions of Anxiety, Fluff

Words: 2113

Third Person P.O.V

Natasha slammed her laptop shut, she din't even care if she probably damaged it. She was tired. Emotionally, mentally and physically. She had spent her entire life doing everything that was told of her to do.

She always got good grades, she joined as many sports teams as possible. She excelled in everything she did, but it was tiring. She was seen as an example to her friends and family. 'Be more like Natasha', 'Natasha is a golden child, why can't you be more like her?' And it made her hate herself.

Of course, at the beginning she loved it. All of it. She loved the attention and the praised. The awards and the love. She was a perfectionist, so everything she did, she made sure it was perfect. Natasha had to be perfect. But things change, and sadly, she grew annoyed and frustrated of it all.

She grew up, she learned, she matured. And she hated everything about being the golden child. She didn't like being perfect. She didn't want to be good at every single thing. She wanted to be able to make mistakes or do badly. She wanted to be seen as human, not as the god her family wanted her to be.

She was human. And as a human, she couldn't take it anymore. Blame her age or her growing hate for everything about her life. But she didn't care, she just wanted all of it to be over. She wanted to have one day where she didn't have to stress over everything and anything.

This constant stress in her life turned into anxiety and panic. Before, the stress would motivate her to do well and excel. Now the stress causes her to have anxiety and panic attacks. When it gets harder to breathe or focus, Natasha wants nothing more than to be a normal person.

Normal in the sense that her perfect life never existed and she got to be a normal child and a normal adult. But now it was too late for that, too late to change that part of her life. She never told anyone about how she felt, because how could she possibly tell people that the Great Natasha, isn't okay? She couldn't.

So she sucked it up, kept it to herself and hoped she would get over it. She knew that wasn't how things work, but she could only hope. What else could she possibly do? So, she stood up from her desk and walked over to her bed, with shaky hands and uneven breathing. Just like she did every night.


"Natasha?" She looked up at her mother who was staring at her confused. "Are you even listening?"

"Sorry, I just didn't get enough sleep last night." She mumbled, but her mother shook her head in disapproval.

"You know you need at least 8 hours of sleep." Her mother said.

"I know, I'm sorry." She replied, as monotone as possible. Something that no one seemed to notice anymore.

"I can't have you disregarding your health. We need you at 100% at all times. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Very well, as I was saying..."

Natasha tuned her out. It didn't matter if she listened anyway, no one really cared. They don't really care about her, they only involve her when necessary. So when her mother was done talking, she looked at her emotionless.

"I'm going for a walk." She said, her mother dismissed and didn't pay her much mind.

And that's how Natasha found herself walking along side a river, hands in her pockets. Her hair was in a ponytail, the breeze hitting her face, and if it had been any other day, she would've sat down and enjoyed the sunset. But not that day.

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