World Goes Quiet

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Description: Wanda has been going through a hard time. Her thoughts are loud and never seem to end, her heart beats like a hammer to a nail. But there's Natasha. Natasha touches her and the world goes quiet.

Warning: Angst

Words: 1356

Third Person P.O.V

Wanda is twenty years old and she's panicking in the bathroom before they have to leave for a mission.

She's staring at herself in the mirror asking herself how she can possibly do this at all today when everything in her head is so jumbled.

Natasha walks in.

She says nothing. She makes no obvious comment to try and make everything better. She just slides down the floor on her butt, sitting next to Wanda.

The sole of her shoe rests up against Wanda's and it's enough. Her breathing slows. Her fingers uncurl from their fists.

The world goes quiet.

She's twenty-one and it's four in the morning. Her thoughts won't come out of her head. They have a meeting in the morning but she can't sleep anyway.

She crumbles up the paper and throws it across her room. She throws her pencil too. She pushes the books off her table.

She's crying. Deep, chest heaving sobs and threatening to take her out. She's got her hands pressed to her eyes so she doesn't see the hallway light come on. She doesn't hear the footsteps roaring over her thoughts.

A warm hand rests on her shoulder and there's a squeeze on the back of her neck.

"Just breathe once, really deep." Natasha says. Her voice is gentle.

Wanda breathes. But it hurts so bad she sobs.

"Try again." Natasha says, her hand trailing down Wanda's back.

The world goes quiet.

They're in the middle of an important event Tony is hosting. Wanda isn't happy with how she looks and she doesn't know what people are thinking about her.

Her leg keeps bouncing. Natasha puts her hand on it and like a miracle, all the noise stops.

Wanda leans into her, and the world goes quiet.

She's twenty five. It's a Friday night. She should be going outside with her friends and having fun. But she can't get herself to leave her bed.

"Are you sure you won't come?" Carol asks from the door. "It'll be fun."

The team is going out for drinks and bowling. Wanda says she doesn't feel well again.

It's a different kind of not feeling well. It's not the one where your body hurts from all the throwing up and sweating the illness away, it's the kind where you feel suffocated every day and makes your heart burn like fire.

Natasha stays home.

When everyone has left, she climbs into Wanda's bed with her and doesn't say a word. She just strokes her hair and let's Wanda hold onto her tight.

That night, the world was so quiet.

She's in the training room. She's been working out for hours and her legs feel like they're going to give out on her. But she keeps training, throwing punches and running. But she loses her footing. She's about to fall over when Natasha rushes to catch her.

"You're working too hard." She says, lowering them both to the floor. Wanda sits on her lap, huffing to catch her breath.

"Not hard enough. I have to be in perfect shape."

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