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Charlie's POV

I wanted to throw myself a pity party, and maybe that's what i was doing right now. Although it was less of a party and more of a festival, you know like non-stop for days on end. Barely enough time for a couple hours sleep and a mouthful of food but a shit tonne of drugs from people you shouldn't trust.

I've said it before and i'll say it again, life without Nyx is dull. It's like an everlasting winter. Gloomy and dark days, spotted with rain and blustering winds on repeat.

My personal idea of hell really.

Despite the darkness in her name, Nyx was the sun in my life and I hadn't realised this until now.

It has barely been forty eight hours since I had seen her last in that god forsaken bedroom.

I should never had gone, never had listened when Scarlet rang.

Drama follows that girl like a bad smell and Saturday was no different.

Nyx was stood at the end of the hallway, her locker door open as she spoke with both Noah and Alex.

Maybe now I could explain to her what really happened.

I make my way towards the trio, locking eyes with Alex as i do so, in turn, he mouths something to Nyx.

She tosses a glance behind her, locking eyes with myself and I don't miss the millisecond of sadness that shines.

Nyx looked genuinely unhappy, like she'd rather be anyway else in the world than share a hallway space with me and I know I'm the cause of that sadness. I could never forgive myself. No amount of words could describe how guilty I feel.

I watch as she grabs her bag and takes off in a hurry towards her classes, eager to avoid me.

Noah gave me a empathetic look as I got closer and I just let out a small sigh.

"The creator of his own destruction should never wallow in it's remnants" Alex quotes.

"Don't fucking quote Shakespeare with me right now"

"Clearly you've never read Shakespeare before and it shows"

I roll my eyes and turn to Noah, "how is she doing?"

"Better than you, you look like shit"

The truth is harsh, theres a reason doctors don't recommend four hours sleep in two days.

"I think she's more angry and feeling betrayed than she is sad" Alex answers honestly.

Noah asks, "What were you even doing there?"

"I was trying to help your dumbass" I point at him.

"Me? Why were you trying to help me? I wasn't even fucking there?" Noah looks at me as if I had three heads right now.

"You had texted me and then Scarlet called me from your phone saying you were so fucked up and needed taking home"

"I lost my phone on Friday night at yours" he retorts and I don't think he believes me.

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