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Maybe I'm being over dramatic when I say this but out there last night I felt as though something may have shifted in our relationship or maybe I'm just being weird and it was exactly like every other time I've fell asleep on his chest as we star gazed.

Which has happened a few too many times for a platonic relationship, in my opinion.

Waking up this morning to the heat of an extra body was nice though, it meant that I didn't wake up shivering but it also meant I had to worry about making sure I had no dried drool around my mouth.

Yes, I have the tendency to sleep with my mouth open and drool a little. Not that I cared but still.

Even though we fell asleep outside, I've woken in bed with him by my side. I don't remember waking up in the middle of the night which means Charlie probably did and carried me back to bed again.

Charlie was asleep to the left of me, holding the pillow to his chest as though it was another person, his hair pointing in every which direction from the way he tosses and turns in his sleep. Deciding to let him sleep some more and to go help with breakfast, I crept out of bed, taking care to not stir him because I know how little he really slept at night.

In the kitchen, behind the breakfast bar was my mom already awake and ready, making breakfast. I lifted myself up onto the stool and sat at the breakfast bar, picking at the chopped up fruits on the cutting board.

"What'cha making?"

"Pancakes, don't think I don't know about the fugitive you have in your room"

"You only make pancakes when he's here" I roll my eyes, picking up another strawberry, before I could even put it near my mouth she slapped away the strawberry, leaving me with a pout and a strawberry chunk halfway across the kitchen.

"Because that's what he likes" mom said almost with a 'duh' tone of voice.

It was rare for mom to be home on a Saturday, She often worked away at the weekends, especially Friday and Saturdays and often in the week because of her job as a flight attendant.

"You care more about him than you do me"

"We don't have favourites in this house"

"You know, I'm beginning to think that's a lie"

"It probably is"  she gives me a knowing look, "now will you go wake up your boy toy"


The atmosphere at school felt different today, it felt as if more people were staring at me than usual and people were actually whispering about me too. It wasn't until I took out my earphones and walked down the hallway to my locker that it was actually confirmed and I was in fact right

"Do you think they actually did anything?"

"Are you sure it was him?"

"I don't believe it, he wouldn't want to even talk to her let alone go to her house in the middle of the night"

"God she's such a slut"

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