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As everyone arrived at the house. Mirabel stepped out of the car when...

"Miguel!" said a pregnant woman with brown hair tied in a messy bun, as she hugged the small boy.

"There you are!" said the red-haired man who looked similar to Bruno, also hugged him. Then came another woman with long black hair. "We were so worried," she kissed Miguel's forehead. "Why would you sneak off like that?" then the man looked behind Miguel and grabbed the women's shoulder.

"Uhh, Cat" he pointed to the group of people and both women saw them and gasped. Both sides had equal expressions of shock.

"Papí?" the pregnant woman said as she saw Bruno.

Bruno's pov
Ten years since I last saw my kids so much time has gone by. Now I'm standing here and I see my baby girl has grown into a beautiful woman. My son is a grown man and I can only imagine what they went through.
I tried to keep my cool. "Hey you," I said getting too emotional. "Sorry to drop in,"

She just looked at me like she was about to cry and then she hugged me. "I missed you so much," she said voice breaking as I hugged my baby girl with no thoughts of letting go. without hurting the baby. Though when did she get so tall? "I'm so sorry we wanted to come back but-" she tried to explain.
I shushed her. "You have nothing to apologize for," I assured her. I see Ignácio staring at me not knowing what to say. "Hey, I see you've gotten taller,"
"Pa..." he said with closed eyes and arms crossed.
"I know I heard about the war. I'm sorry if- I should have been there I should have seen more but I..." he hugged me.

He was shaking as he hugged me. "Crazy Viejo, you would have slowed us down," he said trying to mask his tears. He steps back, "you meet Miguel,"

"Yes we have, and he's already a hit with La Familia,"

With a look of realization. "The family you brought all of them here?" Asked Angie.
I pointed to the kids. "Just your cousins. The others will join us soon," with pensive faces they go towards the kids they haven't seen in ten years.

Third P.o.v.
After Bruno gestured to the rest of the group there was silence. No one knew what to say to each other. Each has changed so much. Isa attempted to step forward but stopped when the pregnant woman named Angie stood taller staring her down. She didn't know what to say but...

With a deep breath, "You're okay," Isa started singing. "You're alright, I'll never, ever leave your side, I will stay, I will fight..." Luisa and Dolores came to her side to help.

"With you..." Angelina finished. This made the female trio of Madrigals smile as they go to hug her. Camilo dragged Mirabel and Antonio to join in the hugging mostly Ignácio.

"It's you! It's really you! I can't believe it! There's so much I wanna say, too much I-
Oh, by the way, we're tall now; that's something new. That's something we will get to, later," Angie said hugging them.

"But first," Angie and Ignacio held their hands, "Let us just enjoy this moment, we're meeting in the middle," Both sang together.

"It's you! It's really you!" exclaimed Isa relieved.

"Despite the changes, I would know you anywhere," Ignácio said to them.

Pushing her green streak behind her ear. "The voice, the face, the hair might all be different," Angelina said to them.

"But you're still you, and all I wanna do is hold you close again,"

"We have journeyed from so far. To meet you in the middle,"

" 'Cause we've been Praying for you, and I was so afraid that we would lose our place, and our memories would fade,"

"Or you'd move on somehow, and I'd lose my closest family..."

"I have been hoping,"
"I have been praying,"
"And I knew that you were thinking of me..."

"I wondered: What if I forget your face?"

"I know, and: What if you move on without me?"

"What if I found the way back
But you weren't there?" Bruno joined in the hug to reassure them he was there.

"It's you,"
"It's really you,"

"Feels like I'm dreaming, but now finally you're here,"

"I never, ever, wanna see you disappear again. Now that you're near to me, I promise that I'll never let you go (I promise that I'll never let you go)

Bruno was glad to see two of his children and even happier that his sobrinas and sobrinos reunited with them. Yet he couldn't help but worry how they'll react to Mirabel not remembering them and wondered where Javier was.

Encanto (Journey to the past)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ