Out on the town

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Angelina's P.O.V.

It was a quiet Friday morning at the boarding house. It was just me, Ignácio's twins, Chico & Zita's daughter Joy, and my baby, Jacob. They were playing in their pen and all was peaceful.


"Something broke! Anyone got a broom!" shouted Grandpapi.

Okay forget quiet, grandpapi is also here. The rest of my family is at work but my papa and his are taking a tour of the town. Hasn't even been a month since they came but it feels like they've been here forever it's nice except someone's missing.

"Hey Angie, what are you doing?" asked Isa.

"Just writing in my journal. What about you any plans?"

"Not sure, though some of us were wondering if we could help you with the babies?" the flower child asked.

"Sure Isy, and by 'we' you mean..."

"Just me, everyone left."

I smiled, "That's right, and though I welcome the free babysitting I thought everyone was going out to explore the town?"

"Our parents are. The Sanchezs are giving them a romantic tour making it a triple date,"

"I can see, how awkward that would be with kids," she nodded in agreement, "What about Papa and Abuela?" I asked.

"Your father-in-law took them to the community center to play games, and for Tío, to interact with other palm readers," said Isa, "I would have joined but it seemed to..."

"Not your thing," I finished and she nodded. "That's fine you don't always have to do things with your family or as a group unless you're in a new place in which you should always have a buddy," I said earning a confused look, "What about Cam, Mira, and Tońito?"

"School," not expecting that answer, "¿Escuela? But there only visiting, how can they be enrolled?"

"Headmistress Flores had given their assignments to our parents to do when while they're here," she explained.

"Okay, that still doesn't explain why there at school,"

"Chico suggested that they use the school libraries, that way they can do their work while interacting with people their age, even got them passes and some programs," Isa said unable to recall the name.

"Oh yeah Chico did mention something like that before," I said. "it's where kids visiting or homeschooled can have access to local educational resources," (thought) "Which school are they at? Chico is only a teacher at one," I asked.

"Which is why Antonio is at his school while hanging out with the other primitos,"

"That's sweet, but what about Cam and your sister?"

"Luisa volunteered to watch them, that way she can keep them out of trouble while checking out some books. They asked me to join but I wasn't in the mood for high school, or Camilo's drama,"

Angie: "He threw a fit?"

Isa: "Mostly overdramatized whining and moaning."

"Okay (giggles) Since it's just you, me, and the kids how about we take them for a walk? I can show you around the neighborhood and run errands, like old times," I said earning a bright smile from my prima. "I'd like that, but I should warn you I'm not that experienced with babies."

"And I'm still learning how to handle them so we're both inexperienced," we laughed together and went to get the babies ready for our outing.

As I packed the bags I can't help but wonder, "I wonder how Zano's dealing with the teen Madrigals? I know we sort of forced Cam as his roommate but I'm sure he can tolerate him as a classmate, right?" I thought.

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