Making plans and meeting the village

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After the session, everyone gathered in the foyer to discuss what do to about the vision.

"So we all leave the Encantó?" Asked Pepa holding 

"We'll not all at once. First, it's me, and the kids" Bruno said showing them the changing tablet. The shifts were not just between two but three images, "After some time you all join us even Mariano"

"You hear that Antonio" exclaimed Miguel "I can show you my house and share my room with you"

"Hooray!" Excited Antonio.

"No. No hoorays. First off Chapa can barely carry us back home. How are we going to bring back half a town?"

"Well Chapa can carry me and Antonio" Miguel answered "while you take Abuelo, and the others on the train"

"Miguel there is no way I'm letting two kids fly by themselves"

"Camilo can change his size so he can be with us"

"Fine with me"

"Don't encourage them" Zano scolded and turned to the others "besides I doubt there is a train station in this town"

"There's not," Mirabel began "but there is one outside the Encanto and it's only a day's travel,"

"And they can lead us back to México?"

"Of course," she answered unsure since she never used the train before.

"This is insane." He rubbed his head. "Look I'm willing to take the old man with us but taking all of you guys is just going to complicate things" doubted Zano.

"Look," Mirabel began as she placed her hands on Miguel's shoulders "I know that to you we're just strangers that happen to be related to your sister's nephew" then she grabbed Zano's hand making him look at her, "but we need to speak to them and mend the bridges that were burnt" keeping eye contact as she spoke "please help us meet them," 

After hearing her words Zano still said no but for some reason, he couldn't deny those pleading brown eyes. "I must be out of my mind" Zano sighed while rubbing his head. "Fine but if we are going to do this we're going to travel together and we need a plan and a route,"

"Of course," agreed Mirabel "oh papa do you still have the schedule Tío Carlos sent you from his job?"

"Sí, Mija" confirmed Agustín "they're still in my room I'll be right back" he headed to his room to get the schedule.

"Oh Dolores I'm so sorry you and-"

"It's okay Mira" assured Dolores "I was planning to speak to Mariano about it anyway besides spring is months away we still have time"

"I'll go with you. I want to share this with Sofia," Said Alma as she left with Dolores.

"All right getting your personal affairs in order would be first, second would be tickets and passports" Zano pointed out, "I have my I.D. Which should be okay and I know Miguel has his own. So any chance of Casita making magical documents,"

"uh?" Camilo thought "We never really thought about that"

"Yeah usually the only people that I do know, that leave Encantó are Señor Osvaldo & Señora Perez," said Mirabel.

"And they are?"

"Oh, Osvaldo is one of the merchants and Perez is one of the traders that bring in new products to the Encantó,"

"I thought this was a hidden village?" questioned Zano "cut off from the outside world"

"It is," assured Mirabel "the mountains only allow those who are harmless to travel in and out,"

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