NAC: Boarding house residents

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Maria Pasada-Sánchez(52)
Manolo Sánchez (53)
Children: Alejó(31), Luís(30), Acacia(28), Zita(28), Zano(15), Luna (10)

Grandchildren: Jorge, Layla (4), Manny, Michelangelo, Raúl, and Joy

Alejó Sánchez does not live in the boarding house but is close by along with his wife and son Jorge.

Luis lives in the hotel. Not married but is in a good relationship.

Joaquín Mondragón (53)
Gertrude (mother)

Children: Mateó Mondragón (29)
Grandchildren: Gabriela (4)

General Grandpapi Ramiro Posada
Dora Luz Ramirez (ex-wife, Maria's mother)
Children: Maria, an Unnamed child

6 that are non-family members

Chief and Chiefess
Grandchildren: unnamed grandkids, Raúl, Joy, and Miguel

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