Parents day Part 2

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All the kids are in Miguel's room getting ready for bed. But the energy tonight is sad instead of excitement. Every time they see Miguel he is looking down at a picture.

Miguel is looking at the photo of his parents in his hands. Another knock happens at the door as Miguel puts the picture back in the drawer. The person coming in is Abuelo Bruno along with his tías and Tíos.

Bruno: "Are you okay? (pulls the light switch on)

Miguel: "Come in, Grandpa."

Bruno: "I take it you don't wanna hear the story about how your parents saved the entire country of Sri Lanka from fire ants, do you?" Miguel just has a blank look. "No," he asked as he walks up to Miguel's bed.

Then General Posada enters, "How about the time when they were acrobats in the peeking midget circus and the big top burned down and...?" he asked, then looks at their faces. "You don't wanna. I guess I'm plumb out of good stories"

Luna: "Tell us the real story."

Layla: "We wanna know what happened to Miguel's mommy and Papi,"

Grandpapí: "Oh, dear. Mmm. Are you sure?" (To Miguel)

Miguel: "Yes... I'm sure."

Ignácio: "All right, then. Here goes. Your father was a scientist, you know, and he was a doctor, too."

The scene flashes to a place called San Lorenzo.

Angie narrates, "One day, we were hiking with our expedition, looking for a rare, tropical plant that could cure a terrible disease. But then..."

(Back to the present)

Grandpapí: "...Dr. Iron Claw, with his evil plot to overtake the entire world..."

Luna and Raúl exasperated, "Grandpa" speaking for all the kids annoyed at his interruption.

Grandpapí realizes, "oh Yeah, I told you that one. That's right. You wanted the truth. Oh. Well,"

Chico takes over, "Anyway..."

~Flashback. Back to the story~

Chico narrates, "...we were on an expedition and..."

Javier points at a cloud, "Look at that cloud. It's just like a sailboat, a schooner."

Eduardo shakes his head, "50 miles into the jungle and he's looking at schooners in the clouds. My friend, you are a true romantic."

Javier stops at his feet, "Romantic?"

Eduardo continues walking "The ladies must be crazy for you," he said, making Angie and Ignácio giggle.

Javier chortles, "Are you kidding? I'll never find a girl who'll put up with me wandering all over the planet."

Then a voice is heard, "Oh, look at that cloud" Javier walks to a ledge and sees a young woman with white hair, "Isn't it beautiful? It's like a sailboat, a clipper."

Javier talks from above. "It's more of a schooner, really."

Blanca turns her head to see Javier smiling at her. Suddenly, his hiking stick makes him slip on some pebbles and fall off the ledge where he stops. Blanca approaches him.

"Yeah, if you couldn't tell a schooner from a clipper ship" She helps him up.

Javier looks into her eyes and is lovestruck, "Hola."

Blanca looks at her hand on his and looks at his face, "Hello."

Angie and Ignácio smile down. Eduardo watches from above and walks off with the others, "Ay-ay-ay"

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